Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth - Ted's Q&A

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Cause and Treatment

Posted by H on 03/13/2008

Hi Ted, I have had hair loss for almost 5 years now (im'now 27). Ive had dandruff that might be associated with the hair loss. This happens on and off and is particularly gone throughout the winter for some reason. I have tried many kind of products without results. I notice that my hair was been thinning as well. Among the other things that might have been associated with my hair loss(like stress at one time) at one time was that fact that I used to take many bodybuilding supplements(eg ephedra energy fat burning pills) and I still eat some of those processed foods that might have to do with it but have been minimized ( the supplements as well with me only taking glutamine and protein powder only when working out). My mom who used to work at a hospital and is somewhat knowledgable, complains that I eat too much read meat. I also noticed that when my hair is unwashed for some time or gets oily is when its most weak or falls out or both. I must be doing something right at times
if the hair loss lessens significantly with only a few hairs (3-4) showing up in my comb when combing after a shower.At other times it is the opposite(10-20 hairs). I also noticed some thin short hair that might be baby hair showing up on my cap and during showering at times. I also have foot fungus that I havent gotten rid off. I keep scratching and peeling skin off with some clear liquid that follow the peeling. My nails have fungus as well and now almost look very crooked. On top of that there is some kind of jock itch particularly in the lower abdomen above the groin with some dark colored spots in the upper sides of my legs next to the testicles that have not been gone and itch. The health problems that I dont know if they have anything to do with this is constant sleepiness even after sleeping for quite a while, insomnia, lack of energy and diarrhea on and off sometimes with dehydration). There have been two times that when the diarrhea has been ridden off, the stool for once or twice was almost black before I started to go to the rest room like I normally do.I have also have rectum(anus) pain and rectum discomfort after going to the restroom particularly when I go frequently and sometimes I even notice
some blood. I am taking some steps to take care of the health problems but I am particulary in need of help with the hair loss problem and maybe even my health problems. Any help will be greatly

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear H: A majority of hair loss condition is due to fungus or fungus infection. Once it sets in there is a long term hair loss. This is why I am sure a borax remedy helps, but fungus aren't easily killed, and the movement on the scalp and a water contamination of Mexico I am long aware of. Just that I didn't know you live in Mexico. What I do know is there is an outbreak of Morgellons, and other nanoinsects in that region and some Canadian and European tourist who visited that area drinking contaminated water and walking barefooted, some died from Morgellon's, one became debilitated for the next quarter of a century, before the borax and baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide gave them back 80% of their normal life. It is that borax and hydrogen peroxide, if it is a woman's dose, is 1/2 of the man's dose. those who masturbate will tend to loose a lot of zinc. I remember one person who had sex so many times a day to support his porn site lost all his hair and completely bald. Zinc is an important element and zinc gluconate needs to be taken. However, nanoinsect is a problem and this is why 30 drops of H2O2 and 1/4 teaspoon of borax in a liter of water is helpful. Manganese is required more if and on many occasions needed by a man more than a woman, but also is lost from masturbation too. Manganese is an antioxidant, but then so is zinc, copper and perhaps molybdenum that may protect the hair. I know the fungus issue as a major issue of hair loss, but the only thing to control this I have found is usually the borax and the baking soda that is taken internally. Your conditions appears to be a nanoinsect problem on the scalp and perhaps a 0.5% H2O2 mixed with saturated borax may help. A 1% is more effective but it may lead to orange hair with frequent use as H2O2 tends to oxidized the color of the hair. It should be noted that citrulline, arginine and other nitric oxide promoters such as vitamin C sodium ascorbate also kills off the blood fungus, that resulted in long term hair loss. I am certain that fungus also deplete the body of iron and possibly manganese. And a person with zinc deficiency and western diets, will end up with an iodine deficiency too. Strangely enough, zinc, manganese, iron, and perhaps magnesium is related to hair loss. And a blood high in fungus, tends to destroy the body's limited nitric oxide production as fungus are acid in nature and it is destroyed unnecessarily. Therefore alkalizing is toxic to the fungus and this is why I think it should help the hair loss. As to the nanoinsect problem (crawly things on the head) all my research have noted that borax, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will help the most. And the reason why the sun helped you is the vitamin D, which is needed more than other people because of the nanoinsect, and the fungus. Because of this, it is why vitamin K2 is needed also. Certainly the tonsils lowers the immune system, but then on the other hand, people with lowered immune system is usually the ones with a hair loss. Take for instance a personal friend of mine (she's a woman), has a deep set of cavities that needs to be pulled, constantly had a low body temperature and a mild case of blood poisoning -septicemia, which she constantly needs to take aspirin to kill of the bacteria in the blood to raise the blood pressure and reduce the dizziness, for example. She had a hair loss too, but was easily settled with just manganese and borax. Zinc she need not take since her toothpaste is a 5% solution of zinc chloride with xylitol, needed to control the cavities from getting any deeper. However it should be noted that many people who have kidney and liver problem has always been (at least in my own unique experience) the excipients they put in these supplements. The biggest problem of all has always been the calcium carbonate, the dicalcium phosphate and anything calcium added to the supplements. This causes problem for many people, especially' people with Morgellons, people with nanoinsects or some with lupus, which tends to slowly eat away at the body's organs, usually the heart, liver, and the kidneys. And because of that calcium is a problem. To reduce that peeing problem or kidney pains, the most effective remedy I know of is to reduce the blood calcium, where the remedy is as follows: 2 tablespoon of lemon juice or lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day. The kidney and liver pain should reduce within 30 minutes to an hour after taking them, at the very least the excruciating pain or funny feeling in some people. Magnesium will counter the negative effects of calciuma and still needs to be taken usually magnesium citrate 250-500 mg. Vitamin B complex is occassionally taken to give energy. But interestingly, the creepy crawly insect under the skin seems to be reduced whenever the head is exposed to the sun, but not too much or it just burns the skin. As to the metallic tastes it's usually the heavy metals, I don't know what metals that is, but I have found in my own location or near my home to be high of lead and copper. Often chelating or reducing some free heavy metals through chlorella and spirulina nees to be taken ocassionally. This is not to be taken likely since I do check for heavy metals in may areas, and a majority of the houses, about 75% of all houses are contaminated with heavy metals, my own house is included, and even from houses that supposedly luxury condominiums and apartments and not just the poor. Certain free heavy metals and acid foods (sugar, bread, white flour, coke) causes hair loss by constricting the capillaries and that causes hair thinning and sometimes hair loss. I hope this extra information helps. If fungus is the problem I would also consider iodine supplements (kelp), vitamin B complex, and magnesium and look carefully not to consume calcium added in the supplements and will take borax and with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide drops added. I haven't quite resolved all problems of hair loss, much of the problem that is most difficult to resolve, is killing the fungus and they are most difficult to kill, even more so than a virus. Given a atomic halocaust, only two living organism would survive, and that would be the cockroaches and the fungus.

Replied by H

I hope this advice applies to a man because I know man and woman are different. I have been looking through your website and i notice that other people have posted very similar problems like mine on on the section of hair loss. Some of those people are also around my age. Many of those people also have the same problems as me and that is the problem with the food and water that we eat/drink here in the United States. It has been about 4 years since I have lost hair without really knowing or understanding why. I have also noticed that people younger than me and even alot more younger than me have lost hair. That is something that is very strange. I have even seen a few women who have hair loss and try to cover it up. I have to factor in the fact that I live in a border city next to Mexico and that by what I have heard the water is very contaminated and has a very metalic taste or just a strange taste like cement or something. People have'said in town that in fact the water is not clean enough and has other things. One man told me he avoids drinking the water because it starts to give him headaches. There is a river here that is the borderline between the US and Mexico and I think thats where the water comes from. I also have to point out that I used to live with a friend about 4 years ago for about 2 months, who had a very dirty place. After I moved out of my friend's house I started to have foot fungus and jock itch. I was also very sick in allergies more than ever before. I started using alot of tissue papers to blow my nose because there was always too much mucus and at first I saw this pink mucus that had little red spots. Nearly after I got rid of the sinus conditions is when the hair loss started but the foot fungus and jock itch where still there. I still struggled with allergies one last time for several months and then it was gone forever for some reason. I had allergies since I was 15 and now I havent had this problem anymore for 3 years. Was it something associated with the hair loss that caused this to go away? Its been 4 years since the hair loss started and I have read alot in your website. I just dont know if I should do something in my head so that the pores are clear or cleaned out so that hair growth can start again. I have taken nearly all the things you have told me but I dont know if there is something I have to do to clear the pores or what you call the follicles so that hair can grow after all its been 4 years! And so there has only been hair loss and I think maybe has to be done so that in the head they can grow. In the last couple of months I have also noticed some flashes in my head and I have noticed some flashes in my head when I try to put on my cap. When I take off my cap the flashes stop. Another improvement is that you told me to use borax and I dont see any dandruff anymore. Please read below for previous emails , everything is there. I also have to mention I had my tonsils removed at the age of 4 and I think that makes me more vulnerable but I dont get sick very much. I also have the habit to be on the computer mostly all day and I noticed that after taking a nap or going to sleep or being away from the computer I feel normal but once I start getting close to the computer I feel a little different. I am a man who works from home and so I have to be on the computer most of the time. Despite all the things you told me to take I still feel my hair moving on my scalp for some reason and many times it feel as if its gettin soft or weak. I also have this strange feeling on my scalp that comes from the follicles as if moving or maybe being pulled slightly. I have to factor in everything because I would really like your help. I have not had a girlfriend for more than 5 years and I confess that I masturbate constantly. I only mentioned this because I read somewhere on the internet that maybe that is a factor for hair loss. Your advice has so far helped in having more energy and less sleepiness. There was a time when I had this strange feeling in the obliques that was maybe the liver or kidneys and it happened after I started taking what you told me to take . I dont know if it was a sign. Another problem that still persists is the oiliness of the hair and it happens when hair is not washed constantly. I dont know if the hair insists on being washed constantly because when the hair is oily it is when the hair is most weak. The stomach problems and the stools are strange. Sometimes it is back to normal and sometime I got alot to the restroom and sometimes I dont go at all to the restroom except to urinate. Sometimes the stool is normal and sometimes the stool is soft with some liquid and sometimes the stool is liquid. I think its food allergies but I dont know anything about healthcare but I go to the restoroom with urge sometimes after eating certain things. Regards

Replied by H

I also forgot to ask in what order it is I should take everything you told me to. thank you

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

H: It doesn't matter what order is taken. The most important element is to avoid the toxic food. The most toxic foods are always the ice cream, cookies, cakes, bread and candies. A great majority of effective long term all weight loss supplements tries to help the body control sugar or prevent sugar from even being absorbed and it is the sugar that lowers the immunity causing the body to loose hair and other problems. No bread or white flour, the grains should be substituted with eating rice. If you are wondering why Asian woman are never fat it's that they don't eat bread and the bakery products here are expensive, so they don't buy them and eat mostly local food. Coke and colas and fried food is not very popular here either. The most dangerous food of all that is hidden in gums and other products is always the aspartame, in many brands, names and form, such as Sweet n Low, etc. As to which supplements encourage hair growth, it's always the 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day, plus L-citrulline 250-500 mg. L-citrulline is a nitric oxide promoter. The lack of HGH or human growth hormones is what controls the cellular growth, that is responsible for hair growth. This is why people who is on chemotherapy goes bald. The chemotherapy prevents cellular division and growth. Therefore nitric oxide promoters helps in one way, but also nutrients of silicon such as oatmeal each morning, and taking niacinamide 250 mg, l-glutamine 2000 mg, and l-glycine for example encourages the body to produce more HGH or human growth hormone. More sleep helps a lot on hair growth, since hair grows the best if the body has sufficient rest or sleep.So lack of sleep, stress, and bad diets are obvious problem and the reason why hair growth is so stubborn is so simple: people are stubborn about bad eating habits. The real enemy is us.

Replied by H

Thank you very much for helping. I wanted to mention that i felt alot better once i started to take all of these things you recommeded. I also noticed that I'have avoided eating a couple of things according to your website and that it seems to make a difference. Just lately I started to eat cakes, sweets and sodas and once again I started to feel bad. I had diarrea and i started to feel sleepy and tired. And I had this huge headache. do you think eating and drinking these things have anything to do with my problems? You mentioned in the previous emails that what you recommended were just the basics. Is there anything better than the basics that you would recommend to do so that my hair can regrow and be completely and healthily restored?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If the opposite has occur, then it may not be a vitamin D problem. But interestingly, a vitamin K2 is antifungal and vitamin K might still be needed, but in addition to that, because it's NOT winter, magnesium citrate is taken. That's because vitamin D is high in calcium which occurs somewhat during summer, and magnesium helps lower that. MSM can be taken, but not a large dose such as 250 mg with plenty of water. The reason for that is it helps oxygenate the scalp basically, killing of the fungus and somewhat antifungal. If MSM does have side effect for me, then I won't take it. When in uncertainty or have problems before then MSM is not taken, and I may replace it with just eating raw vegetables, garlic cloves and onions into a meal which DOES have some MSM, and still they are antifungal also. When in doubt try some other things, although I never have problems of MSM, perhaps I drink plenty of water, some people do have problem and if that's the case, I will avoid it. It's the same even with garlic.

Replied by H

I just wanted to clarify the fact that most hair loss does not occur in the winter but in the other seasons that are NOT the inter. Specially during the summer. Should I still follow these instructions? I heard some side effects of MSM. You suggested I take this but, does taking MSM have anything to do with what I have? And how much MSM should I take?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Meats are high in iron, phosphate and acid forming food, which is why the hair loss. High protein supplements tend to raise some cholesterol or stickiness of the blood. A history of fungus, especially itchiness, peeling skin, is a sign of fungus taking advantage of iron, and acidosis of the body. Black stools is indicative again of excess iron, they come as black stools. The fact that most hair loss occurs during winter is a sign of vitamin D2 and vitamin K2 deficiency. An oily skin and excess sebum
production is a sign of zinc deficiency. Certain body building supplements tend to cause extreme acidosis that constricts apillary flows and kill of the hair follicle, along with oily scalp makes it very unfavorable for hair to grow. A blood rich with free
metal irons attack the hair follicles.

Basically the remedy is MSM, methylsulfonymethane, eating more vegetarian, alkalizing remedy, reduction of iron trhough green tea, better iron utilization through vitamin C sodium ascorbate, increase vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 to help increase immunity to prevent more hair from falling off. I find omega 3 flaxseed oil helpful if taken ocassionally. Taking daily
sodium ascorbate also reduced hair loss. Oily skin a zinc gluconate 50 mg, taken such as every other day and
watch for signs of drier skin, will tell me when the body has enough of the zinc. Most help I find was manganese supplements, but vitamin C are quite helpful too.

The alkalizing remedies will prevent constriction of capillaries, increase blood flow, and the remedy is 2
tablespoon of lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day. If it is too inconvenient, then 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day. Ideally this is not the best remedy, however, if some potassium citrate such as 1/8 teaspoon is added it helps.

Quite often fungus is what kills off the hair, but nutritional problems are the real cause. Hence, baking is seen as helpful. Shampoo using borax is the best so far when mixed with baking soda. While it is relatively mild, the borax will kill off the fungus, yet borax is also an essential mineral needed by the body to protect against autoimmunity, which in this
day an age, is often a mycoplasma.
What I cover here is just the basic and may help reduce some hair loss, and hair growth is further helped with biotin such as about 3-5 mg, and some ocassional B50 or B100 B complex taken twice weekly. Certain liver problems may cause hair loss, so I think I will use one tablespoon of granulated lecithin once a day. Taking some cranberry juice may help.
