Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - Ted's Q&A

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My Blood Test Results Are Normal Should I Continue with Vitamins and Supple

Hi, I just wanted to know now that my blood test results are normal should I continue with the vitamins and supplements? or should I continue taking them and stop after a certain period of time? because I have asked a lot of people and I get different opinions.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

The pathogens causing your lupus is still there even though the lab tests do not show it. ANd even if the pathogens is not there, it will still enter the system. Even if everything appears normal they will come back. I have seen many times that they do. If you have a budget problems, you can consider reducing by half or supplementing on alternate days. If you are going to discontinue, you must take the lab tests regularly.

Today with the vaccination and chemical toxins (especially fungicide, fluoride, and pesticides) leads you to an immune suppression, quite often a permanent one. The nationwide vaccination in 1918, was what killed a lot of people, at the time they called it the Spanish flu which killed many millions. Now we are facing the same issue with nationwide vaccination, yearly flu vaccinations, leading to an immune suppression.

The supplements I would use are what gives you a secondary immune system that your body is currently not capable of handling. Under this theory it can easily be seen there is a chance your lupus will come back, not a high probability, but a possibility. You cannot completely discontinue it, otherwise the lupus will be untreatable conditions because they will now be more resistant. Prevention is best.

Even though lupus is a treatable condition, I currently have no cure at all to allow the body's immune system to be normal. This is one area I am still having problems.

Of course, you must understand that my recommendation will err on the safe side.
