Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - Ted's Q&A

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Lupus with Nephritis 2

Posted by Anonymous on 05/12/2008

Thank-you so much for the information...I wanted to give you more back ground info...I am from Venezuela ..our diet as a child consisted mainly of vegetable, lentil, garbanzo, potatoes & carrots soups, white rice, lots of chicken sides & some thin steak w/ onions but rarely peppers, spaghetti with fresh red sauce, bread and lots of milks. Out of my whole six siblings, my father, my mother & their 20 grandchildren my two kids are the only ones with autoimmune problems & my husband. My husband is from champagne Indiana, so was his mother (whose mother had RA), my husband mother had the join issues also & psoriasis. However, I think you are right about the environmental factors. I am over weight, & it was recently that I started eating more fresh fruits & vegetables & less pizza & saturated fats. My husband still craves the can foods, frozen lasagna & pizza. He is not over weight, but at 43 has high cholesterol & blood pressure like his mother. However, he has more energy then me and is very productive. My daugther takes, lisinopril 20, prednisone 20mg, baby aspirin 81, valtrex 500 mg to suppress shingles, lipitor 10mg, had 17 tx of cytoxin... they want to do Rituxin (again had two or three txs) Weds with a dose solumetrol for the kidney inflamation. I'am so worry ...If you can give more inside.......oh, they want to change the Lisinopril to Losarten 20 or 30mg

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Most shingles are effectively suppressed using zinc gluconate and baking soda remedy plus a small pinch of potassium bicarbonate. Viruses generally cannot grow in an alkaline environment, but they have difficult growing in mostly zinc, but also coming close is magnesium, and chromium. A topical application I gave to my aunt, just the 2% zinc chloride solution with a 5% magnesium chloride, with frequent application every hour for the entire day stopped the shingles completely.

The common diets you mentioned, as follows: vegetable, lentil, garbanzo, potatoes & carrots soups, white rice, lots of chicken sides & some thin steak w/ onions but rarely peppers, spaghetti with fresh red sauce, bread and lots of milks.

It should be noted that 70-90% of non-white people have problems digesting cow's milk what is referred to as lactose intolerant. Thai people here are 90% lactose intolerant. The information came from the Nutritional survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

It should be noted that most children have trouble with potatoes, but bean rich foods are generally acid forming, mostly from oxalic acid, which often leads to skin problems. The food that should generally be avoided is the potatoes and steaks. The foods not mentioned that I find important for children's reduction in allergy are the fish diet, which is high in omega 3 and one of the remedy I used to reduce skin problems. But in addition whenever bean diets are high, this indicate the child's need for vitamin C sodium ascorbate, usually for me a child's dose is around 100-250 mg. while an adult is 1000 mg. This should allow the body to neutralize the skin problem due to excess oxalic acid buildup which is what is CAUSING the kidney inflammation and other problems. Some supplements of omega 3, twice a week or three times a week will help. However, whenever the diet is high in oxalic acid which leads to kidney problems due to excessive oxalic acid buildup, needs also some
vitamin B complex, but also a remedy that may be most helpful in reducing a calcium form of oxalic acid, often called calcium oxalate which may cause the problems too therefore a lemon and baking soda is one remedy that may reduce this condition. The remedy is as follows, assuming the child is 1/2 the weight of a 100 pound adult:

1 tablespoon of lemon juice plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/4 glass of water, taken twice a day. Once in the morning and about 1 hour before bedtime.

Fruit juices in excess, where I think whole fruits twice a week is more than sufficient contains fructose which leads to insulin intolerance via glycation (action of sugar on body's proteins - such as neuron and nerve cells and other proteins) leading to overweight and diabetes. There is actually a study to show you that fructose or corn syrup, leads to overweight, but with recent addition of aspartame, this is one product that can cause a more morbid conditions on learning since it burns the brain cell as what formaldehyde do whenever the aspartame breaks down inside the body.

The major cause of obesity in today's woman is the sugar from the fruits and the saturated fats. It requires no rocket science or Atkin's diet to realize that, but there is a pecking order of dangerous sugars, from worse to less worse: ribose sugar, glucose, fructose, and sucrose (common sugar). So the fact that fructose are has a higher glycation- which leads to insulin resistance, can result in diabetes, but it needs the addition of saturated fat to block the body's hormonal control for weight too!

My own observations and fellow researchers who wished to raise blood cholesterol in rats is rather easy: processed food. Especially, fried foods, vegetable oils in high heat for example. Assuming you eat oxidized oil, which exists in high amounts in canned food, frozen foods and other mass distributed packaged foods. These oxidized rancid oil goes into the blood stream an form a plaque or become quite sticky, which leads to heart problem. One recipe for a heart attack is to eat processed food and lead an over stressed life. In this arena, avoidance of processed food in favor of freshly cooked foods, preferably boiled foods to avoid heated oils will help prevent oils from oxidizing, plus vitamin C and alkalizing baking soda since processed foods are very acid froming, high in aluminum content and high in carcinogenic benzene. So where did those benzene come from? It comes from food preservatives such as sodium benzoate or benzoic acid, and degrades into carcinogenic (leading to liver problems) in presence of acidic foods. So obviously, acid forming leads to skin problem.

Kidney inflammation don't come from the thin air. Sometimes they come from doctors medicine themselves. I remember a patient coming in for a medicine to treat sinuses, and he ended up with a kidney and liver problem. So he took certain medicine for kidney and liver problem, and had a side effect that lead to a heart problem and died of a heart attack.

Fish are anti-inflammatory foods, as is alkaline forming foods, but not fruits, mushrooms, wheat products, potatoes, tomatoes, or cheese, for example. Most of the foods we like are 90% acid forming food and are pro-inflammatory. For me wheat is worse, causing high blood pressure. But ordinary salt can cause high blood pressure and ordinary salt are acid, with a pH of 5. The practices with modern processed food uses ordinary salt which are acid forming while alkaline forming salt such as sea salt is not use. So anyone who eats processed foods will have high rancid oil (oxidized oil) leading to cholesterol and table salt, leading to acidosis, high blood pressure, psioriasis and arthritis. Most rheumatoid arthritis comes from lack of dietary magnesium, too much wheat products, and processed foods which lowers the immune system. In case some might argue why processed foods lowers immune system, the benzene hydrocarbons, fructose (corn syrup) and aluminum for example, suppresses the immune system. Peppermint toothpaste should generally be avoided where I tend to favor salt and baking soda toothpaste, with a small pinch of potassium added, if possible!

As to why I make no mention of doctors medicine the good points. That's because I managed to cure myself of that without the need to use any of them and without the side effects and it also worked well with me, and hence I have no need to find something better.

A good milk in my opinion is usually the soy milk, and the whey milk. Soy doesn't have lactose, and most Asians are lactose intolerant. Whey milk is good because it raises the immune system the body against bacteria and viruses.
