Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - Ted's Q&A

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Chlorella and Spirulina

Posted by J on 05/13/2007

Ted, i am grateful to have found this website. i am in very serious stages of systemic lupus( in my organs with severe raynauds phenonmen) also with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and i also have "mycoplasma fermentin" from gulfwar illness. i have already started the 1/2 teaspooon of baking soda twice a day and applying clove oil. (i already feel better) and i am going to try the "oil pulling" with sesame oil starting tomorrow morning. BUT --i was not understanding your other mouthwashes--i didnt see the recipe for them--how do i do them? also you mentioned BORAX for mycoplasma but didnt go any further--can you help me with that?? i have found that food based/home remedies and proper diet and rest help me more than anything that western medicine has ever offered. PLEASE- i am desperate--any suggestions you can give i will appreciate.!! oh- i also started the hydrogen peroxide 3% inhaling and emailed land rights for clarification since i have a nebulizer i can use already. i tried i.v. peroxide for the mycoplasma and i found that it really only affected the blood stream and not the tissues. mycoplasma crosses the blood barrier into the muscles, bones and brain and organs.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

J: Some people find taking chlorella supplements, or chlorella/spirulina most helpful in the beginning stages of a severe lupus. Heavy metals is the big issue to lupus and the pattern is always there. However, chlorella supplements varies in quality, but you should see results within one day. If it works for you it is often taken between only 4 or 5 days out of a week. The body needs between 2-3 days to relax and sort itself out in ridding of the toxins without too much buildup in the body as it chelates and remove the heavy metals.

Chronic fatigue condition, a magnesium citrate (or chloride or gluconate) 250 mg. and some vitamin E helps. Clove oil is up there on the list in helping this issue also.

BUT --i was not understanding your other > mouthwashes--i didnt see the recipe for them--how do i do them.?? also you mentioned BORAX for mycoplasma but didnt go any further--can you help me with that.???

A mouthwash recipe is simply some hydrogen peroxide 1% with some borax. Specifically in 1/2 glass of 1% hydrogen peroxide, I would add 1/4 teaspoon of borax, to do the moutwash. And throw away the unusued portion. This is the ones I use.

Borax is the only know mineral I know of that is effective against the mycoplasma, and other fungus like condition that can be used. It is basically 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter of water taken throughout the day, and for me just one dose a week should be sufficient.

A mycoplasma exists in the tissues and it is true that peroxide can only get as far as the bloodstream especially if the body is already overloaded with the mycoplasma. It must be understood, that if it IS NOT, then the tissues and other organs can be removed. But in your case it is overloaded. The best ways to reduce this overload is to remove the food source of mycoplasma, which is the heavy metals, which can be done all together such as oil pulling, chinese parsley, and even chlorella. N Acetyl Cysteine is an especially useful chelator of mercury which is generally safe. While I do not generally support peroxide IV, I do think oral peroxide is generally safer.

One of my observations about mycoplasma in tissues is that they act as a tight glue on the body's tissues, organs, and glands, where most antibiotics are rendered ineffective since they are protected by a calcium shells (removed with lemon and baking soda formula - 8 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day). The calcium serum once removed, and chelation heavy metals once removed, fungus growth is limited, but still very much attached to the issues, to reform the colonies. To unglue this mycoplasma, I have found after some experimentation to be any of the following or in combinations, such as iodine supplements, granulated powdered lecithin, aspirin, niacin (always taken with aspirin 30 minutes before to avoid flushing), and perhaps unsugared cranberry juice. In some instances, 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in one liter of water helps too.

Granulated powdered lecithin is taken one tablespoon once a day. Niacin B3 250 mg, if taken, should be taken AFTER 30 minutes of taking aspirin, otherwise it will cause flushing.

The most useful ungluing of mycoplasma in my opinion is the iodine, and the best form is a 50/50 sodium iodide and potassium iodide for example taken internally at about anywhere between 5 mg/day to 50 mg/day, but not everyday, but usually twice or three times a week. The formula is not a perfect one, but I do know that an iodine foot painting is definitely the safest which you can paint every other day on both of the feet, but it takes a little time to see results.

The ones I do know worked the best you have just done it, with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda taken twice a day needed to get urinary pH to about 7. But this is not perfect, you are still missing the chelation side, especially chlorella, if the quality is good, can make for good improvement and recovery also. Borax is obviously the third most important one and I find it about 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water to be drank throughout the day for at least once a week, to be the major areas to start.

Deep chelation can only be done somewhat with the help of malic acid or sodium malate to get through to the blood brain barrier, which in that case you might use apple cider vinegar plus baking soda already mentioned.

This is the simplest remedy that I can possibly come up with at the moment. I would like to discuss more, but I think getting down with the basics often is the most important issue at the moment.
