Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - Ted's Q&A

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Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 08/18/2011

Dear Ted,

Thank you for your posts on EarthClinic. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with mild SLE and have been helped.
A new Duke University research article sounds like some of the science behind some of your theories.. I am wondering if this validates some of your thoughts about RNA/DNA cell food/ borax and other protocols. And, if some of the more natural supplements that you suggest may replace the polymers that they are suggesting to rid the body of inflammation. I pasted in the press release from Duke below (for your ease) and have linked to the journal abstract of the article in the National Academy of Sciences (US).

I do not fully understand all the chemistry/biology that is being investigated. I am hoping this may help you help others. Thank you, and my God continue to bless your work!

New Anti-Inflammatory Agents Silence Overactive Immune response
By Duke Medicine News and Communications

A new way to fight inflammation uses molecules called polymers to mop up the debris of damaged cells before the immune system becomes abnormally active, researchers at Duke University Medical Center report.

The discovery, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offers a promising new approach to treat inflammatory autoimmune disorders such as lupus and multiple sclerosis, which are marked by an overactive immune response.

"Depending on the disease, cells that are damaged drive or perpetuate the immune response," said Bruce A. Sullenger, PhD, director of the Duke Translational Research Institute and senior author of the study. "We have shown that we can inhibit that process."

Sullenger said the idea for the new approach stems from earlier findings by Duke scientists and others that dying and diseased cells spill nucleic acids -- the building blocks of life that include DNA and RNA -- that then circulate at high levels in the bloodstream.

While DNA and RNA inside the cell regulate important functions such as growth and division, outside of cells in the blood, these nucleic acids serve as powerful signals to the immune system that something is amiss.

Once activated, the immune system launches an attack to fight whatever caused the cell damage, whether an infection or toxic substance. Under normal circumstances, this inflammatory response eventually restores order.

In some cases, however, the inflammatory response becomes persistent and out of control, leading to tissue damage and causing symptoms such as fever and pain. Chronic inflammation has been implicated in lupus, multiple sclerosis, obesity, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, and numerous other maladies.

The Duke scientists, working to interrupt this cycle, focused on a set of molecules called nucleic acid binding polymers that were designed to infiltrate the nucleic acid inside of cells and deactivate specific immune triggers.

"Then we had a 'eureka moment,'" Sullenger said. "Because the inflammatory nucleic acids are outside of cells, whereas DNA and RNA normally function inside cells, we realized that the polymers could bind to the external nucleic acids without disrupting intracellular functions of DNA and RNA."

It was a simple mop-up approach, and it worked as planned in experiments on mice. "We could use the polymers as molecular scavengers -- sponges to go around and soak up and neutralize those inflammatory nucleic acids so the immune system doesn't recognize them and go into the overdrive of inflammation," Sullenger said.

David S. Pisetsky, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at Duke and co-author of the study, said the anti-inflammatory approach has numerous potential applications, not only for autoimmune disorders, but also for the acute tissue damage of severe bacterial and viral infections, shock, and injuries.

"One setting to test the effects of the polymers involves acute events such as injuries, where it may be easier to measure the presence of the nucleic acids in the blood and the effects of polymer binding," Pisetsky said, adding that the long-term safety of the new anti-inflammatory approach in humans remains unknown.

Sullenger said patents have been filed on the finding, and the team is pressing ahead to develop therapies. "At some level we've opened up this huge treasure chest of opportunities and now we have to figure out which way to go," he said.

In addition to Sullenger and Pisetsky, study co-authors include: Jaewoo Lee; Jang Wook Sohn; Ying Zhang; and Kam W. Leong.

The study was funded in part by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The researchers reported no conflicts of interest.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes it validates some of my research. I used bentonite clay as a substitute for polymers and used the SLE in skin conditions. The bentonite clay is mixed with some water and is applied in the area, and fan dried. This is done three times, in one sitting to suck of whatever toxins in the skin. Normally the liver is on the right side, and it expels the toxins to the arms first, right side usually but sometimes the left side, in in other cases it goes to the forehead. These are photosensitive toxins and it reacts with the Sun, making it worse to those areas exposed to the sun. The bentonite clay has limitations internal use as it causes constipation, therefore less amounts are used, such as 1/8 teaspoon per cup of water should not have side effects. Now there is theory that you can mop up this also in the blood stream, but this can be done by not mopping with the polymers as per article but can be broken down to elemental amino acid where it does no harm, by using digestive enzymes, I used bromelain 10% 6500 GDU (Gelatin Digesting Units) orally three or four times a day. The other component is heavy metals can be chelated using tetra Sodium EDTA, or disodium EDTA also, but I always used a more conservative dose much less then commercially available EDTA, perhaps I used in water solutions, 20 drops twice a day. To wait for polymers should they become available, I believe will cost a lot of money, so my research is directed at using natural materials so people can do themselves, so obviously funding is a problem since no one wants to invest in something like this, there is no return, therefore I self finance, I am not rich. I cannot even afford a car, but it is to the public's benefit is fine enough. As to RNA and DNA being spilled, in the article, certain amino acid sequence are harmful, but if you have RNA from inactivated yeast, such as Brewer's yeast this will also lower the immune response in some people, but mostly it is the 1,3 beta glucan that seems to correct and get the proper immune response too. That is taken 1/4 teaspoon three or four times a day for 1,3 beta glucan, and maybe brewer's yeast for some people, as it does not work for everyone. There are in fact different kinds of SLE, but the borax/peroxide is most common treatment and the bentonite clay is another to remove the offending substance. Therefore, using milk thistle and babbler's bill leaf will detox the liver. The word detox has taken a meaning of its own in commercial world, to mean some herbs of any kind to detox by enema, but in my remedy it is a very specific kinds of detox we want to use, such as chelation, neutralization, digestion and removal of offending substances is the prime way I do detox, not like the detox in the internet world, it's been badly misused and practiced. The major organs will be usually the liver, but can also mean the spleen, or pancreas. But they may be fungus also, in SLE, being the most commonest and most have links to heavy metals, locating their homes near ships or have contacted metallic substances as their occupation, few in fact simply has arsenic poisoning in combination with SLE. And those with SLE must avoid polyunsaturated oils (Vegetable oils), sugar, steaks, hepatitis B vaccines are some of the worse offenders. There may be something to liver's ability to detox that has to do with SLE, but not your commercial detox, I'm referring to digestion (digestive enzymes), heavy metals (tetrasodium edta oral), removal (bentonite clay, granulated lecithin), neutralization (babbler's bill leaf, and milk thistle), and anything that obstruct liver functions (calcium deposits and nanobacteria), hormonal correction (borax) and oxidative destruction of offending material (Hydrogen peroxide), and others. But to keep things simple, since this is not a scientific journal (too restrictive and narrow), I make my remedies simple for anyone to self treatment.

