Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) - Ted's Q&A

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Lupus Diet Helps

Posted by anon (anon) on 08/02/2011

im writing you because my wife has been diagnosed with sle (systemic lupus erythematosus) for 2 years now. from the first day on she refused to take medicine like prednisone and paquenil and so on. we do not believe that the human body fights its one cells and kills its on cells. when you are diagnosed with sle in the netherlands you are stucked up with all kind of heavy medicines that are(we believe),very harmful to your system. her symptoms are: swelling of the cheek,swelling of the eye,extreme fatique,muscle pain, stifness,urticaria on her whole body,itching,swelling of her knies,stomach pain,ear pain and so on!

these symptoms are really thru,her symptoms ,and almost every day she has the urticaria, the muscle pain and stiffnes.

for 2 years im telling her to try an extreme diet but she refused.(when you already feeling terrible you dont want to throw away your precious food). finally she wanted to give it a try!

she started simple: in the evening only rice (a lot to ensure she wasnt hungry). the next morning she noticed that the urticaria was 20 %less. the next day she ate the usual breakfast (non diet) and started eating rice from 1500 till 2000. the next morning her urticaria was 50% of the first day and she begun her breakfast with only bananas(1 kg) and from 1200 till 2000 she ate rice,banana rice and so on. the next morning her urticaria was almost gone and she noticed that here stifness and muscle pain was becomming less!!!!.. she now was able to verify almost directly what foods triggerd her and what foods were good for her condition,because she was in an optimale condition and she was now aware that it might have something to do with food. so she started testing and testing and testing and was becoming more and more able to judge the food she ate. it works like this:eat much of one product ..wait for about 3 hours and sense if there is an reaction like tiredness,itching swelling or urticaria and so on. if there is a negative reaction...turn back to your safe food and start over again in a day or two and test something else. it took about 40 days to get a small lists of good-food and bad-food(and it took a lot of pain and stress) when you use this method there is no margin for error or playing around because testing more foods in one day will set you back for about a week if the foods are negative for you!

my wife is now lupus (symptoms!!) free for more than 70 days and that has never happened befor(never.

my question for you mr ted: we cannot tell this to her doctor because he simply will not accept this event and if he finds out that she never takes his presciption drugs, she wont get tested every 30 days (blood tests). hence lupus is a very dangerous ilness,we are very happy that the doctor takes blood every 30 days. ted... we cannot find a correlation in the good-foods and the bad-foods!! to us it makes no sense.so i will give you the lists of foods that are good and bad.

good foods: mango, banana, pitahaya, strawberry, papaya lemon, ginger, watermelon, pomegranate, eggs, kokosbutter, water(tap), salmon, pangafilet, tongefilet, rice, macaroni(brown), herring fish, courgette, pumpkin, capsicum(green), potato, sweet poato, onions, garlic, aperges, chicory, endive, pepper, salt.

bad foods: cherry, grapes, bananas, kiwi, apricot, figs, orange, all chease, milk, yoghurt, all butters, oils, all bread, mackerel (fish), broccoli, amiss, carrots, rucola, beetroot, tomato, soldiery, champignons, green beens, no meat!!!!! nothing

mr ted:....can you find a correlation or something else not noticed??? why does she react to this foods??? as you can see her diet is very limited but it works perfect and she is still testing every two weeks. when she starts eating the bad foods:100% relapse.....when she commits herself to the good foods...100% no symptoms!! i am not saying that this is the menu for everyone.....no....im only saying that this is the menu that works for her. as you understand this menu is not her cure but it will strengthen her ,and therefore giving her body the strength to fight the lupus we think?????( we assume that when she experiences no reuma or urticaria, here bodys got more energy to fight the real cause??!!

she takes supplements; dhea, vitamine c, calcium, zink, vitamine b, magnesium, sometimes iodine, omega 3, seleen, amino acid complex, vitamine d, multi vitamine. chlorella, and so one. at this time she only takes: vitamine c, calc, zink, manganese, seleen, omega and multi vitamine. she also takes the borax and the soda. soda:30 days on 30 days off borax: 1 day in seven days.

whats you opinion??? she want to fight of the disease. can you please give us supplementary advice??

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The urticaria is commonly caused by food allergies, notably, meats (overcooked), prawns, nuts, wheat, soy, mycobacterium (which has many species and different people respond to it differently) and other (h. pyloria, streptococcus. An urticaria and go into full fledge SLE, and maybe reduced to urticaria, but in your case it is urticaria being cured and then SLE. The people I see in Bangkok one case has a cold urticaria, and that is eliminated with lysine and threonine, and maybe some andrographis paniculata, which allows immune system to see the invading organism. The process is basically this, there is an invading organism, the cells get inflammed and sends the signals to the cells, say white blood cells to see it. Will what really happens is the cells do get inflammed, but the immune system cannot hear it. The invading organism disables the immune system to respond. It is similar to the Americans disables Scud missiles by damaging the control centers. My approach long been to destroy enough of the invading virus, so they don't have a chance to disables the immune system, is but one way, that's the lysine kills virus by making them grow slowly thus affecting and disabling the system and threonine, which is basically an infrastructure to build the immune system. It's a simple concept. But you can also find things that they are disabling them and protect that. Its the same with urticaria and SLE.

The other concepts is urticaria can be mistaken for itchness caused by fungus, usually mycobacterium. This is a very important concept especially you mentioned the word bananas, it has a lot to do with mycobacterium as to the cause of SLE and urticaria. As I always mentioned, I don't have many cases of SLE, maybe once every 5 years, and skin issues itchness once every 10 years, so I don't have many clients to go on, but those that do are cured. Banana and especially the banana peels, is a powerful anti mycobacterium. And it relieves the itchness. If mycobacterium thesis is correct, it should respond to three remedies:

  1. Banana peels or banana oils. I don't know which ones, so you have to try both.
  2. Mycobacterium antiseptic solutions. It is Propanol 20%, sodium dodecyl sulfate 0.2%, 0.3% Sodium Hydroxide. It comes from the article "Fast, broad-range disinfection of bacteria, fungi, viruses and prions" in Journal of General Virology. And the reason I found it, I was experimenting with propanol as a more toxic alcohol then ethanol alcohol, with the use of potassium hydroxide, since potassium hydroxide is more toxic then sodium hydroxide, and sodium lauryl sulfate (same as sodium dodecyl sulfate). This solution can be applied on skin and do work briefly killing it.
  3. Gallium nitrate (I used a low dose 125 mg per 1.25 liter of water) as an antiseptic cleaner of mycobacterium, I can always add 70% DMSO and applied on the skin if it is deep, but for general a 5% DMSO solution will be ok for most.
  4. Gallium Nitrate very weak solution (125 mg per 1.25 liters) Kills both nanobacteria and mycobacterium.

Since I viewed itchness as caused by mycobacterium, then this interferes with their iron metabolism. They like 3 things, oils, calcium, and iron. That is one you will avoid.

If I used as drinking, to kill mycobacterium (and I don't suggest you do it - legal disclaimer) then it the concentration is halved, so I add 1 volume of the gallium nitrate with 1 volume of water, to kill mycobacterium as a drink for ulcerative colitis, Crohn.s caused by mycobacterium avium.

It somehow is tied (to certain) people with skin problems such as rosacea, acne, and urticaria the same. The same situations apply when immune disorders sets in, and you have acne and take isoretinoin (Accutane), which suppresses the sebaceous glands from existing, when that is done, the body have difficulty eliminating toxins (because) you no longer have sebaceous glands to eliminating them and then you acquire Lupus for a lifetime.

But it does more then that, it also causes not only causes lack of sebaceous glands it also causes less intestinal villi, a term they called intestinal villus atrophy. So you have difficulty eliminating BOTH ways the toxins, when you got that you are NOW vulnerable to getting ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and if not you get Lupus

It also happens that you can be genetically vulnerable if you have both less sebaceous glands and less intestinal villi but that rarely happens, it is always environmental, heavy metals, vaccinations, and isoretinoin.

The intestinal villi actually serves two functions, it helps intestinal absorption of food and it helps intestinal detoxification of waste product. And it required a lot of surface area for that, the surface area is equal to a football field, if you halved that, by surgery or isoretinoin, then you are flirting with disaster.

Not that the inventors of isoretinoin didn't know about this, they well knew it, but is part of on going expenses (lawsuits) since sales exceed by expenses. You can easily make a very effective acne medication if you know one simple fact, acne is caused by toxins.

You can eliminate it by lack of sebaceous glands (causing other problems) or you can make sebaceous glands more efficient in eliminating the toxins by lipase and digestive enzymes and the same to not cause constipation in your intestines. The first way you get auto toxic, the second way you get to detox. The "oil plug" in the sebaceous glands is accumulated fat consumption mostly from polyunsaturated fatty acid found in margarine and vegetable oils. They get rancid rapidly, in fact they get rancid before it hits the supermarket shelves, so the manufacturers use a fragrance mix into these product to neutralize the smell to nothing. Yes you can actually do this, that makes for marketability of rancid oils profitable.

Now for your food allergies that you find good, and bad. Since I don't understand some of the list, because of the English or misspelled I will skip them:

Good: Bananas, Mango, strawberry, papaya, lemon, ginger, watermelon, pomegranate, eggs, cocoa butter, herring fish, salmon, rice, macaroni (brown), capsicum green, sweet potatoes, pepper, salt.

Bad Foods: Cherry, grapes, kiwi, apricot, orange, all cheese, milk, butters, oils, all bread, mackerel, broccoli, beetroot, tomato, green beans, champignons(mushroom) and meat.

So you want to know why that is is simple, the bad foods like bread, milk, butter, oil, bread, and meat are infected with MYCOBACTERIUM. The food you list on bad foods do not have it's own immunity against that. In fact 60% to 70% of the foods such as dairy product and meats are infected with mycobacterium, because the health department throughout the world do not check for this. The present sanitary practices in the industry does not have a means of eliminating mycobacterium. Not that it doesn't exist, it does, but it requires a change the ones I found gallium nitrate, copper chloride, mycobacterium antiseptic solutions are non standards in the industry., and they are not going the change anytime soon.

The good food, especially banana, mangoes, pomegranate, cocoa butter, pepper, and salt are anti mycobacterium, and remember we don't sanitize them. As for the others such as tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli and green beans block different things that have to do with your immune system. For example mushroom have pectin bound aspartame (aspartic) which is an excitotoxins. Broccoli, but also the cabbage family such as lettuce blocks the thyroid functions and immune systems play an important role in lupus and urticaria. Mushrooms in general (there are exceptions), are fungus, and fungus is part of the reason for lupus because they are "myco" fungus, they are symbiotic relationship between one and another. There are others I haven't covered by they have to do with very long chains oils that mycobacterium just suppressed their growth, such as cetyl myristoleate, but also other long chains oils that mycobacterium cannot take advantage of.

The reason why I know some of this is I seen a mycobacterium properties in some of the food product and you happen to hit on the right ones, bananas, but especially the banana peels, this is one of the stronger ones. Rice has some, but is very weak, mangoes has it too. But gallium nitrate in very dilute solutions or mycobacterium antiseptic and be used as solutions to kill these things also in preparing for foods, since the industry isn't going to kill mycobacterium anytime soon, especially dairy and beef, it has the most infected mycobacterium I can find.

There is one extra information, about a month ago (end of June) a woman was making a brief stop over to see me on her way to airport as she was going back to U.S. The woman had lupus, and saw a bruise like condition on her arms. Upon seeing that, I gave her bentonite clay to be mixed with water, and put on her whole body but specifically the arm. It was to be fan dried, to remove the toxins out, and done three times in one sitting, and repeat again overnight. She did it for three days and most had gone in. Luckily that lupus condition is a weak one, if it manifested as a necrosis, I consider to be really bad, mostly from naphtha intake, but cadmium and arsenic notwithstanding. There was one case I recently corresponded yesterday (August 2) that had necrosis of the hands from Pregnan paste (mostly sodium hydroxide and some solvent naphtha) and stopped most of the necrosis with bentonite clay. Same routine, wet bentonite clay, fan dried, do it three times. It works the same. But she had a lingering under the skin that bentonite clay didn't work so well that was because naphtha was underneath her skin, so I suggested to her to do a whole body bentonite clay. To get rid of the rest, it may reduce further, but I didn't suggested DMSO 1% to 5% and water 99% to 95% in bentonite clay at the moment as it will work better true, but it is best to do whole body bentonite clay first, before doing that one. The idea was not a new one, about 10 years ago, I have a friend of mine who had severe side effects from drug she took for her cold, her faced heavily ballooned (really bad) and I knew that the body has difficulty getting rid of the substance she almost died the hospital didn't accept her, left to die, but she responded wonderfully with this and 3 days she's back to work, I suggested whole body bentonite detox, and this is the same remedy I for those with accutane too, (because it causes) the lack of sebaceous glands and intestinal villi. As for bentonite clay from the inside, I don't do but I will first do it externally first. Some people might think naphtha solvent is minor, but if is below the third layer of epidermis, this is why it can cause necrosis. One man (in scientific literature) was trying to commit suicide with this naphtha solvent by injection and the standard solution for that is debridement, which is large removal of your skin and tissues! Easy solution, but it could have been done easily with bentonite clay and deep skin bentonite detox.


08/06/2011: anon from anon replies: "thanks for your reply... I find your explanations and suggestions always very interesting and it will take me a bit of time to absorb your information. im not a doctor, but im always looking for the needle in the haystack to insure whatever she tries in fighting lupus ..it must be something logical. therefore, for me, to understand and absorb your writing ,takes a wile!! what im tying to say is that your information is super!

yesterday we got new blood samples and this is what i would like to show you ...i will only show you the values that are not ok.

hemoglobine=7, 0mmol/l hematocriet=0,35 l/l sedimentation= 86mm/h(was 130 ..30days ago) crp=11mg/l (was 21...30days ago) ds-dna kwan=35 ds-dna=pos as-ssa(ro)=pos as-ssa(la)=weak positive (ch50 titer= 22%!! c3=0,28g/l!! c4= 110mg/l!!! i think this is much to low)

question 1: what is your opinion about these results?

question 2: hence i have read your website completly... im confuced what to follow regarding here lupus... h2o2 borax... soda... mannose ..artisemisa and so on.. borax: time period? h202time period ? soda: time period?"

08/10/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "QUESTION 1:WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ABOUT THESE RESULTS .

Hemoglobin is low if you use hydrogen peroxide as hemoglobin is stimulated by lack of oxygen or anaerobic conditions so we use less hydrogen peroxide. But we can use more of the other things. To increase blood cells we take more chlorophyll, much more. If done this successfully, and get to normal levels, we can increase of H2O2, days. So you need days off from H2O2. Histidine, carnitine, ferrous gluconate (only this not other forms), chlorophyll, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, vitamin E, are known to increase red blood cells, as well as herbs such as milk thistle, green tea and beetroot. Use reference range to determine if low, I think it is.

The other figures generally shows some improvement. Take some natural vitamin E, vitamin C, and chlorophyll is needed based on figures. I think some histidine will help, but generally that increases appetite, so if someone has loss of appetite histidine helps.


Baking Soda indefinite period. I take it since 1968, on and off. So this is one thing I take as long as I live, it help my condition. H2O2 period? No time period, but I take it for say 4 or 5 days on, and 2-3 days off, if the lupus is more, I may take 7 days out of a week if necessary. Borax time period, depending on the dosages if 1/8 teaspoon I could take it almost everyday if 1/4 teaspoon I might take 5 days out of a week. It all depends if what I am doing helped my condition. If I don't have the condition I probably won't take it, but only for health reason maybe 2 days a week is fine. If I get negative reaction, then I might discontinue.

There are others such as artemisia, mannose these are natural supplements and I will definitely take them always so long as it is positive.


Replied by Anon

Ted, I have contacted you about 1 year ago, and my wife has taken the borax, and the alkalizing formulas plus supplements as you suggested.(THANKS THANKS). She takes the borax 5 days on and 2 days off, for a period of 2 months, and then stops for 1 month. She repeats this the whole year. She has not taken any kind of steroids like prednisolione,and she is not taking plaquenil or other medication. Her energy level is good and she does not have many extreme flare-ups. Her diet is very limited, because her Lupus symptoms are gone when she sticks to bananas ,papayas, pitahays, potatos, kasave, white rice, coconut-oil, and a few vegetables. She has not had an extreme flare like, a big cheek or inflamed joints, or inflamed organs like the kidneys... since she controlled that by diet. The flares she experiences are ...mild... like she has been exposed to the leaves of the Urtica plant. These flares come whenever she tries to eat something not in her diet and when is exposed to full sun (on the beach). So, until now we have ...managed.. her Lupus by diet and your formulas, and therefore gained much more energy and less symptoms. My questions: We want to try the Gallium nitrate (ORAL) and i have bought 1 gram of Galiumnitrate (99,5%). 1: How must we dilute the Gallium nitrate exact? (im afraid)
2: we want to try... Lactofeinne... to further kil bacteria... what are your suggestion? At this moment she is managing her symptoms, but we are looking for further improvement, and thus killing this horrible disease. Anon"

08/01/2012: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "1: How must we dilute the Gallium nitrate exact? (im afraid)

Easy you start with the lowest possible dosage and increase from there. For example gallium nitrate 0.01% is best starting dose to try in a liter of water, and maybe go to maximum of 1%. The key I think is to add some sodium bicarbonate to reduce some sourness, and prevent the acidity in the gallium nitrate.

2: we want to try....Lactoferrin...to further kill bacteria.....what are your suggestion?

It is contained to some extent in whey protein concentrate, or you can try lactoferrin, but much of the lupus issue is a fungus/mold issue, these have limitations. If there is any skin condition that appears like a bruise, that is the fungus invading inside the cells, it may be removed by using bentonite clay paste applied on the skin and fan dried, and rinse and you may repeat the process.

Sodium molybdate may be taken in pinches (1/16 teaspoon) to help further, I found that most lupus cases do not respond to any chlorides well, except sea salt. Magnesium citrate and potassium citrate may help kill the fungus further, but especially the potassium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium bicarbonate is possible also.

As you are aware by now, fried foods, and all trans fatty acids (vegetable oil use) are to be strictly forbidden. And you are aware that chlorinated and fluoridated toothpaste and water need to be avoided like the plague. It makes the condition so much worse.

As usual I don't have so much lupus clients in Bangkok (1 or 2 a year) and most are going back home and visit me only briefly (1 hour) so my time is limited to test all the remedies. What I do find out is tetra sodium EDTA may help, but not calcium of any kind. The body really has no defense mechanisms against fungus infection that's why antibiotics are so effective against bacterial infection, but it leads to other problem, such as Lupus, arthritis, rheumatoid, etc. What we can find is to make a body terrain in which fungi are not be able to survive but find those elements required by human diets to be necessary, such as molybdenum, copper, chromium, maybe manganese, for example. Obviously sugar is one thing (as well as all sweets and especially artificial sweeteners) to be avoided.

You have to understand that all endocrine organs (adrenal, pineal, parathyroid, thyroid, etc.) are very vulnerable to fungus and molds and semi functional, and that's why you get weakness. You can activate some of this mostly using borax, but also iodine in particular forms, but not chlorides, and especially you don't want MMS (miracle mineral supplement - sodium chlorite), that makes it worse, as they are a form of chlorides too. And good supplements such as 2 hour after meals or before sleep of baking soda helps a lot. Check your urine pH. Ideally it is between 6.8 to 7.2, but if it is below that or above that, you need the same baking soda to keep it in a narrow range.

Your only immune system requires the minerals you are taking, so I am doubtful lactoferrin will help. If you want another suitable one you have better chances getting digestive enzymes that specifically digest them, such as cellulase, etc. But the problem with this is they are expensive. The cheapest is fungicide using natural materials, such as azoxystrobin, but I have to test this, and I think knowing polymorphisms, the fungicide is briefly effective only for a week or two, something such as essential oils is easily something that can be used also, such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, etc. Again that remains to be tested.

