Acid Reflux and Ph
Hi Ted, on 5 Nov. I wrote about ibuprofen and ulcers. You responded about bugs in the stomach causing issues. I thought you meant that the bugs were causing the acid reflux, but when I read it again, I see you meant that the bugs are causing the ulcers. So, what is the cause of Acid Reflux if not PH imbalance? Or am I still mis-understanding. I think my stomach is worse if I eat wheat products, but only in some forms. Also, since starting the AVC, now I have a yeast infection which I haven't had in years. Is it related? Thanks. Paula.
Dear Paula: A bug is like helicobacter pylori, sometimes it is a yeast, sometimes it is a virus, sometimes it is a fungus. Sometimes the cause are non-bug, such as an anorexic condition. Sometimes the body's acidity is high and the immunity is suppressed, or even lack of bicarbonates to neutralized the acid in the intestines. They can cause a real pain if that happens!
The problem about the word "acid reflux" is the inexactness of the cause or is it the medical practice of being inexact is what causing the problem, lack of medical procedures to find the exact cause of the acid reflux. No matter how complicated it seems we always start out simple.
A yeast infection often follows the use of antibiotics or hospital meds. Taking ACV might help but usually the best ways is ACV baking soda.
ACV is beneficial in many ways when added with baking soda because it is biologically compatible with the body's antioxidant level.
The ORP (oxidation reduction potential) using one tablespoon of apple cider vingar and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, has an ORP of -175 millivolt. This electrical negativity is antioxidation capacity, where 90% of all our food including those very expensive European mineral water are quite oxidizing at 200 to 300 millivolts. The antioxidation level of ACV baking soda helps the body in many way to normalize its function since our blood is not oxidizing, but antioxidizing.
Basically ACV BAKING SODA, helps you in two ways, once the body becomes alkalized, the body's immune systems are up and it kills the bugs (bacteria, fungus, yeast, etc). Since it is well known that ibuprofen causes ulcers, and since the wounds are open, this is how a body can acquire the "bugs", thereby getting a yeast infection, or more ulcers (from helicobacter pylori, etc). This is why I raised the issue of "bugs". So if you think ACV causes yeast infection, it may likely be that the ibuprofen, which already caused ulcers, may have given an opening of such wounds to allow easy access for the yeast to enter your system in the first place. In fact ACV and vinegar is quite a well known home remedies in treatment of nail fungus. However, for taking it internally I would much prefer the ACV plus baking soda being the best.
The second way ACV baking soda helps is that it supports the intestines to function normally by giving it adequate bicarbonate necessary to fully neutralized the food that is very acid left over by the stomach. The ORP of -175 millivolts is the antioxidant level and this can help the body normalize many functions too.
The bug issue if you happen to take hospital meds, such as antibiotics tend to cause heavy metals to accumulate. Sometimes it causes the body's molybdenum to become depleted.
Apparently certain sulfa antibiotics have a molybdenum lowering effect since molybdenum detoxifies sulfites in the body and this might be related. But here is an interesting take also, antibiotics tends to deplete your body of vitamin B also in particular, thiamine or vitamin B1, which converts the body's carbohydrate into glucose, given you energy. In event you become weak from a yeast infection, therefore, it is possible that the body's stores for B1 is also depleted after a long bout of hospital meds.
Also, the molybdenum controls sugars and the pH of the body too. In fact some people with a yeast infection, can be helped by taking molybdenum supplements also, such as sodium molybdate for treatment of candida albicans.
As a general rule there are several supplements out there that deal with the bug issue (virus, fungus, bacteria, parasites), such as selenium, zinc, magnesium and licorice extract.
Mineral salts of zinc and magnesium in itself have antibiotic powers, for example a simple zinc salts, of zinc acetate, zinc chloride is well known to kill over 99% of the herpes simplex. But if the you take it internally it raises your body's immune system, thus killing the bug also (yeast, virus, bacteria, fungus).
It might especially be noted that fungus have an Achilles heels, in particular, alkaline environment. They tend to die easily. This is why baking soda added to ACV or just baking soda alone is seen to be advantageous.
In certain conditions, acid reflux based on my own personal observations are often misdiagnosed and it should have gone under the category of anorexia. In monkeys and gorillas, acid reflux do occur, but they tend to call this anorexia where a gorilla can throw up after eating western diets. The cure for these zoo animals and fishes is simple: vitamin B complex. This is well known in fish pathology.
In humans, we often identify anorexia for treatment to use vitamin B6, or pyridoxine hydrochloride. Interestingly, the scientist of the 1960s tried to prove that acid reflux is the condition of lack of stomach acid as opposed to too much. The acid reflux were the condition of fermentation which occurs in the stomach (from the bugs) is what causes the condition. So the fact that B6 has hydrochloride, will cause the stomach to have higher acidity.
You might think the body will get confuse from going from too much acid to alkaline. It sounds all confusing but it is not.
Basically your stomach acid can vary its acidity between 2 to 7, depending on whether you are hungry or not. If you are digesting the food, the body is quite acid. On the other hand if you are just thirsty for water, the water basically goes right through the stomach and straight down into the intestines. This is the same that occurs when you drink ACV and baking soda, it goes right through the stomach and the bicarbonates is actually mostly in the intestines where intestines are quite alkaline and it also goes into the blood where your blood is also quite alkaline, the blood pH is 7.35.
Now, what happens when an acid reflux occurs is that it occurs right after you eat. There is simply not enough acid being generated by the stomach, or that the stomach is "infected" with bugs and further causes fermentation as another possibility.
Once you understand this process, it is clear that you need to eat food of non-fermentable kind or foods that does not easily ferment itself. This is quite easy. When you eat food, put clove leaves or clove spices, available in most supermarkets to the food you eat. You can also use thyme as a spices and add that to the food you eat. The food after you eat, will not ferment. You can also add a drop of peppermint to the water after you eat in the water. Peppermint will prevent food from fermentation. This is why they add in toothpastes. Peppermint, cloves, thyme and oregano makes a good natural therapy against fungus, as well as food from fermentation.
Next thing you might ask is how you can increase stomach acid. Well, since vitamin B6 is a form of hydrochloride (pyridoxine hydrochloride) you can take vitamin B complex along with your food, or the best way is to take it just after you eat. The hydrochloride will react with the food by increasing the stomach acid, thus reducing the fermentation by helping digestion. That, along with the spices becomes synergistic.
Hopefully I cleared most of the misunderstandings on acid reflux and I am sure you will have even more questions. What I can guarantee you is no other place can give you a detailed explaination of acid reflux. The reason is simple: it takes a lot of time to type this kind of information!