Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Normal Nails After Fungus Gone

Posted by David

Thank you. I'm really amazed at how quick the nail bed looked after doing the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar then the water and bleach. I followed it with tea tree and Vaseline too. My father has the same problems I do and I called him immediately. He has tried the lamosil for a year with no significant results.

I will try the baking soda to see if that prevents it from coming back. Does the baking soda help the nails grow faster? My nails are thick and they grow so slowly. They were damaged when I was younger and have separated from the nail bed. Do I stand a chance of a normal nail after the fungus is gone? Thanks a million

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes, Lamosil don't try hard enough to make a better formula! Keeping your foot dry is the key. Washing the sock frequently will prevent reinfection. Try wearing slippers more often or shoes that are properly ventrilated. Make sure socks do not last more than one day. Getting your nail back in one piece maybe difficult since the blood vessels on the base has been cut off. Getting your nails to grow quickly requires taking silicon supplementation. If you can obtain orthosilicic acid or silicic acid (they are hardly acid) these are soluble form of silicon. If you cannot find it most nuts, walnuts, etc. are fairly high in silicon, but I am not sure how well absorbable they are. Oatmeal might be higher in silicon and so is horsetail also. Many multivitamin supplements use sodium metasilicate as a silicon supplements. Of course if you can find any silicon supplement say - taking about 100 -200 mg./day your nails will start growing and get stronger and fast growing within a week. Nails grow slower because of 1) silicon deficiency 2) magnesium deficiency and 3) vitamin C deficiency. Taking too much calcium makes nails become brittle, so avoid calcium, milk and other calcium products. Calcium causes a lot of nail problems as well as leading to fungus because of chaulkiness of the nail. Baking soda tends to neutralize acid buildup and will usually be protective of fungus growth.
