Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Toe Fungus, Due to Wearing Nylon Stocking

Posted by Biancia (Newark, NJ) on 01/28/2005

I've had this problem for about 4 months now and its gotton progressivly worse. Im a dancer, and with constant pressure on my big toe and wearing nylon stocking 24/7 i think a fungus has started to develop i started to notice a pain in my toe, particulary around the nail, it became pusy and sore, so i want to my local GP and he gave me oral medication and told me it was an ingrown toenail, however, the tablets didnt work and im still having problems. Ive been using Betadine for 2 months and recently when we went away to the beach, the salty sea water dried it out and turned it yellow (the nail), the nail itself is now basicly completly disconnected from the nailbed, and smells quite bad, there is also some type of discolorated nail or something under it, connected to the nail bed. It's driving me crazy, how long roughly will it take before its heeled, because im basicly unable to dance at the moment because of the pain, and i sometimes limp when i walk. There is also, around the cutical area, blistering. Please help! Thankyou, take care.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Try soaking your toe with the procedures recommended in website. If you have a pus problem, then try a radically different method. Soak the entire feet with potassium carbonate solution (one tablespoon per liter of water) mixed with a couple of tablespoon of sea salt. Drink internally 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day or three times a day to help witht he healing. You can also try another alternate formula that seems to help with me, take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid twice a day. Mix with 1/2 glass of water. Allow the fizz to react for a minute or two before drinking. Alkalizing the blood will reduce the pain and the puss. If it is serious enough just increase the dosage and if you need an extra push, take colloidal silver to accelerate the healing. Take some zinc supplements (zinc citrate or zinc gluconate) every day to allow healing also.
