Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Will Clear Polish Recuce the Nail Fungus

Posted by J ( Seattle) on 08/20/2006

I have been using, Hyd Peroxide and lamisil cream and my toes are clearning up. However, when I stop the treatments it begins to come back. I am looking for a permanent cure. I cannot do the internal medicine approach nor do I want to, as I am more naturepathic in my approach to health. I use lamisil each moring after bathing and at night I was my feet, use a cue-tip to put hyd peroxide all around the toe nail and under the toe nail. When it drys I then add lamisil again. I learned many other possible remidies on this site today. Also, I did not know that nail polish increases the risks of infections. I use a medium coral red color on the nails, so if I switch to clear polish will that help in recucing the nail fungus problem?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear J: Nails get infected easily because the nails are soft and chalk-like. Proper supplements of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, and silicon supplements (oatmeal), will help nail become so hard that the fungus can no longer infect further. This is the permanent cure, after you have managed to destroy the fungus and want to be sure it doesn't come back. Most people with nail fungus used nail polish and the moisture is kept in side the nails. The only way to use a nail polish is to use the anti fungus nail polish such as: or

Of course, if you don't want to buy them, then you need to apply the iodine tincture to the entire nail until they look deep purple. Then you apply the nail polish. I haven't gotten around to that stage since, my nails is as hard as a rock from taking the supplements I have mentioned previously.
