Question by Diabetic Pregnant Lady
Posted by Mercedes (Cranford, NJ) on 01/30/2006
Dear Ted, I am a diabetic and pregnant as well can I use your solution. I three toes that since the summer (6 months) have looked yellow, but now one (the middle) is definately not doing well. The nail is smaller and as it grows it grows outward. I believe this one definately has the fungus. Well what should I do I am very upset and scared and can I use your solution?
If you suspect it is a fungus try to do the method mentioned. If nail growth is a problem, then just eat horsetail and oatmeal everyday. They are high in silicon. If your local drug store or chemist have silicic acid or sodium metasilicate. Taking a pinch of these everyday will accelerate the hair, and nail growth quite quickly before the week is out.