Ted's Remedies
I had fungus for about a year. When I started using Ted's method 6 weeks ago, I had one toenail that was yellow for about 3/4 of the nail. I also tried Ted's method. Initially it appeared the method worked as the Toe nail grew out 1/2 of the nail looked good. But after a while the yellow re-appeared and yellow has gone down to the same level without any change in my application. I am going to keep trying for a little longer, as I'm beginning to take Niacin and garlic to help with possible fungus in my blood. Unless there is testimony otherwise, I have my doubts about the possibility that the yellow in toe nails can come off in a few days under the best circumstances. I'm wondering if by increasing the concentration of clorox, this may help. So far I say Ted's methods are not working for me.