Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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30 Years Old Toenail Fungus

Posted by Ellen (Redwood Shores, CA) on 06/18/2006

i have had toenail fungus for over 30 years. i have been using vicks twice a day for the past several days. i am finding that during the day that there is a yellowish fluid that has congealed on the 3 sides of my nails and the skin around the big toe, itches like crazy. is this the fungus infection coming out? that's the only thing i can think of. when i come home from work i have to wash my feet with soap and water to calm them down.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Vicks prevents the your nails from drying so the moisture creates this oozing yellow fluids which is fungus related. What you should do is keep your nails dry as possible before applying Vicks. Vicks maybe too weak. Try drying the nails with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Then you can try to apply generous portions of iodine to the nail daily instead and don't use Vicks and see if this gets better. Apparently Vicks is keeping your nails from drying.

Replied by Ginger

I think you are having a reaction to the Vicks. I can't use Vicks because it makes my skin unbearably itchy. Tea tree oil causes oozing blisters.
