Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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3 Years Old Toenail Fungus

Posted by Pat (Phoenix, AZ) on 07/14/2006

I have a question for Ted from Bangkok. I have had toenail fungus for about 3 years. My large toes are yellow with yellow material underneath. One of them has disintegrated about halfway down. I have tried the vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, bleach and tea tree oil cure for about a week. Have not observed a change yet. How long do you think I would need to follow this regime, and what results should I be looking out for? The bottom of my nails look clear, but this has always been the case. Thanks very much. I only have one kidney and am very afraid to try the prescription meds.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The bottom of my nails look clear, but this has always been the case.

This is good, since it appears the condition is treatable provided the antifungal material is penetrating.

My large toes are yellow with yellow material underneath.

You need to get some small hard thin metal and ply very slightly and get the hydrogen peroxide+ vinegar/ bleach underneath where the fungus colonies exist. It appears that the the treatment does not get deep enough.

If it appears that the original formula is not working for you, there are two other treatment, which are fairly strong and may cause skin irritation that you can try. While they are more stronger, they need to be done carefully.

The suggestion is to use strong copper chloride solution for a couple of minutes in the general area of the toe nail and try painting. Just be careful. A fairly concentrated copper chloride solution can cause skin irritation, however, it seems to have a long lasting effect in killing them. A fairly strong solution that you can try is a 30% or perhaps stronger than that but I wouldn't want to go all the way to 50% (may cause burning of the skin) and just paint in the area of infection or hidden areas where there are fungus. Apply long enough say about a minute or two. The blue color should offset the yellow color of the fungus, but you have to wait for about a week to see if it is working or not.

Iodine is much more available and easily found. DMSO is s solvent which will help it go through the cuticle easier. So just try a 20% DMSO and Iodine together and paint in area where there is fungus. The problem about iodine is the color, but might help also.

The key seems to be applying the fungus in the area where it is hiding behind the nails. So just use a small paper clip or something where the chemicals can reach in area that the fungus is hiding the nail seems to be one thing that is preventing the improvements.

Most over the counter medicines for nail fungus don't work well, generally besides causing side effects, internally, which is quite serious for you. In my opinion, I think fulvic acid has antifungal properties and can be taken internally without any side effects, of course, I think the fungus conditions is an external one here and may not have necessarily to do with the blood.

Perhaps one day the use UV treatment of the toenail might work. But how many around here have any UV bulbs sitting around the house? But this seems to be the only way it can reach places where most liquids cannot due to the hard cuticle materials that is protecting the fungus. Regular application doing this method might be the most feasible way, about 10-20 minutes per day should be enough to burn those toe nail fungus in hard to reach areas.

Coal tar is another where the vapors smells so bad it gets everywhere could reach the hard to reach fungus area. THe problem about the use of coal tar is you cannot use it over a long period of time. However, it might be useful for really tough fungus toenail cases like yours. Of course, I have never personally had to resort to coal tar yet, since maybe I managed to stop them from happening early on.

Tannic acid solution of say 50% does kill fungus in hard to reach area in fungus provided that the solution can reach even just a small amount behind the nails. The problem about tannic acid, by me is that I never had to resort to that method either. What tannic acid does is that it instantly denature (kill) the fungus on contact and maybe more effective that way too.

I am just listing of the yet untried remedies here in case the original remedy don't seem to work for you. It must be noted that there are many remedies out there just that most people haven't tried it or if they tried, they haven't given me any feedback.
