Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Fungus on Nails

Posted by Andrea (San Mateo, CA, USA) on 01/16/2006

This was very interesting. I just
finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and after getting a staff infection, took antibiotics, then got a yeast infection and after taking Taxol, my nails on the hand which got the staff
infection, turned brown and yellow and now are trying to fall off. I keep wrapping those nails with paper tape, which looks awfull after two minutes, but also they don't dry as fast after I get water on them. Anyway, one of them started smelling, so I figure it is a fungus.
Also I stopped taking my calcium with magnisium because a friend said I didn't need the
magnisium. I will go today and get my old type of calcium with magnisium and start taking it again, also the apple cider vinegar. This whole thing is something new to me. Right now I am applying an Antimicrobial. Thank you for your website.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

People undergoing a chemo will suffer the toxic effects of and damage good tissue. To prevent this especially your hands, I suggest you go to a swimming pool supplier and buy a bag of sodium thiosulfate (dechlorinator). Add a couple of tablespoon of sodium thiosulfate mix with a couple of cups of water, then soak your hands and arms with it. Do it twice or three times a day. Secondly, take plenty of vitamin C (1-2 grams) to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals. Your conditions of the nail problem, should improve enough for you to notice within the third day.
