Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Still a Fungus?

Posted by Jacquie (Tacoma, WA) on 07/27/2006

I have previously had a fingernail and toe nail fungus for years. I am still using an over the counter cream 2-3 times per day. Recently, the nail stopped spreading where the nail is getting whiter going towards the base of the nail. My fingernails are each about 3/4 red and a couple of nails are painful. Is this still a fungus? If so, what can I use to treat. My toenails have not changed very much. They are doing pretty good. I have used a generic type vaginal cream on them for a couple of years. As long as I use at least every other day, they do fine. Thank you for your help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Jacquie: Most treatments for nail fungus will also kill the bacteria and other infections, if you think this is a possibility. However, it is necessary to apply them until it gets better. It is important to try other applications to the nail so that either the fungus or the bacteria have little chance for resistance. Therefore it is unnecessary to know what it is unless the condition is serious enough that you need see the doctor to do further analysis of the condition if the conditions remain persistent.
