Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Best Method for Infected Toenails

Posted by Lisa on 01/01/2006

I tried Ted's method. One of my badly infected toenails that was brittle turned soft. I was then able to take it off with no problem. Had I continued the treatment, there is a chance the treatment would have removed a portion of the nail by itself. The method does work. My experience, Ted's method does not affect the color of the portion of the toe nail that have already turned yellow. Still, although it is not working as Ted claims, it is still the best method, I have found.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Lisa: I will have to agree with you. My advice is mostly for fungus toenail in general. Yours seem to be very badly effected. In that case I am even surprised that it will work that well. So I agree with you. For badly affected nails, it is very likely to be what you have claimed.
