Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Can Solution of Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide Re-use

Posted by Kay on 08/11/2006

Question: I have 3 toes infected with fungus for years that I am trying to get of. I have couple questions. 1st: I have a container that I use to mix the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to soak my feet. Do I have to throw away the solution each time I am done with it? or can I put a top on and use it over again? I usually make enough to soak my entire foot so throwing away after each use seems like a waste... Can I re-use the solution or would this be ineffective? If I can re-use, for how long should I re-use it to soak my feet? 2nd: do I have to soak my feet in chlorox + water solution as well? I am just afraid it might not agree with my skin... Can I just do vinegar + hydrogen perioxide and do vick's vapor rub? 3rd: I usually cut my toe nails really short but from what I am reading, this is not good? I grew my toe nails this summer but now one of my toe has so much pain (I think it was due to the yellow stuff growing into my skin) that I had to cut them all off. Now, it almost seems like I have no toe nails. So, should I grow them and then begin my treatment? Thank you so much for helping me with these questions

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Kay: Most people who visit Earth Clinic that have questions seem to have serious toe nail fungus. One of the things that keep fungus spreading is that the nail quality are poor and sometimes chalky. This also points to nutrition to get the nails strong enough to be resistant against toenail fungus, instead of just cutting the nails until you no longer have it. Also, once infected, most chemicals simply won't penetrate through the nails.

I therefore recommend you take some food that are high in silicon, such as oatmeal, horsetail, etc. Also important to make nails strong or resilient is to take mangesium gluconate, magnesium citrate, or magnesium chloride. Manganese for some reason or another seems to accelerate the process provided it is taken separately on an empty stomach, dose for this is fairly low.

Do I have to throw away the solution each time I am done with it?

If you use it to soak just the toe only and not the feet, it can't be reused. The solution must be fairly strong. If you use it to soak your feet, that might be another matter and you might use it for 2-3 times. However, for toe problems we keep it separate from the foot.

My impression is that your fungus is peculiarly agressive and you may have to resort to painting your toes with a fairly concentrate solution of copper chloride for a couple of minutes until it becomes really blue green, after which you rinse, and your toes will be nice blue green. In this case I would make a 20% solution of copper chloride and paint carefully in toe area and leave it on for a minute or two before rinsing out with plain water. Copper is the strongest chemical I can find currently that can kill the fungus. Avoid copper chloride from skin contact as it attacks your skin if it is concentrate. Last time I got a stinging copper chloride with a fairly high concentration of it, as a result of an accident. However, the stinging goes away quite quickly when you wash it out with water. The other issue I have found is that people who have nail fungus problem may have nutrition deficiencies. The most common nutritional deficiencies is magnesium, silicon, and zinc. Zinc should be in form of zinc acetate or zinc glucontate taken at 25 mg/day for about a month. Taking some vitamin B complex I have found to be quite helpful, but it must be taken long enough to notice the effect, such as for at least a month.

2nd: do I have to soak my feet in chlorox + water solution as well? I am just afraid it might not agree with my skin... Can I just do vinegar + hydrogen perioxide and do vick's vapor rub?

Not necessarily it just prevents the spread to the nail. It is more important to apply the chlorox to the nails not the feet. Just avoid the skin for foot area. Apply only on the nail area only if you can. Yes you can do just the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide with vick's vapor rub. People thousands of years ago used only vinegar for treating nail fungus but as you know it just takes longer for treatment. Consider taking supplements and the possible use of copper chloride to kill the fungus as this seemed to me a more effective course. I don't know about Iodine as I seem to have problems with the staining issue, but they do seem to work too.
