Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Question Regarding Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide

Had a few questions. I'm just starting the Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide #5 cure. If you don't have nail fungus,do you still use the clorox solution? Second do you use the 1 cap clorox to 4 caps of water on your toes after the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Also, how often should you do the h2o2 and vinegar soak? Once in 24 hours or more? I look forward to your help.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If you don't have the nail fungus, you need not use the clorox solution. It is too drying for the skin. After clorox, rinse completely. Then follow with the other one is o.k. too. Only if you have a nail fungus. Re h2o2 and vinegar soak: Ideally twice a day. Once in the morning and once before bedtime (after the bath of course).
