Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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50 Years Old Toenail Fungus

Posted by Eddie (Delray Beach, FL) on 07/11/2006

I have a case of toe nail fungus only. I got it in my school gym 50 years ago. I have gone to different podiatrists & dermatologists in NY & FL. My podiatrist said there is a cure for it, but my dermatologist said there isn't. The dermatologist stated that it reappears & can't be cured. I have tried over the counter creams also. Is there a cure for it forever without re-occurence?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

If you have a long term 50 year toenail fungus, I suggest you start using sandals, where the ends of the sandals opens up for toenail to show. I once heard of a case of someone with a recurring toenail fungus that keeps coming back. Upon investigation, I noticed that his shoes and socks were the constant source of the reappearance due to fungus buildup in the shoe itself. Upon soaking the entire shoe and socks with 3% H2O2, the condition disappeared. So apparently, the shoe is something we don't laundry and socks can only be worn once a day. Therefore regular treatment plus, fungus free shoe, or the use of open sandals should stop recurring toenail fungus.
