Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Toe Nail Fungus

I have toe nail fungus and the doctor prescribed Lamisil. After reading the cautions about this drug and what it can do to your liver, I decided not to use it. I am now going to try the Vics rub firsts with the tea tree oil. I will write back in a few weeks with my (hopefully) progress. One question. Is toe nail fungus hereditary? My mother had terrible toe nails and I am sure now she had toe nail fungus but did nothing about it. I was just curious if it could be hereditary. Thanks

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Based on my own observation it is dietary, environmental and certain bad habits. Eating too much foods rich in sweets, acid forming food, too much meats, cheese, high fat foods, can bring you quite easily to fungus issue. The other is environmental, where fungus exists in carpets, rugs, and certain moist wet living conditions favorable to fungus. The third one is socks and shoes. People who use shoes will get toe nail fungus more than people who walk around with shoes that are well ventrilated.
