Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Question About Hydrogen Peroxide/acv

Posted by Mary (Williamsburg, MI)

I'm currently using the Hydrogen Peroxide/ACV followed by the bleaching (1 cap bleach with 4 caps water) for 30 seconds, rinse with water, then applying the vaseline with tea tree oil. 2X day. I'm in the process right now of trying to get rid of three fungus toenails on one foot (the big toe, and the 3rd and 4th ones) I've had this fungus for the last 30 years (I'm 46 now). I think I caught it from when I lived at home and was using the same shower as my Dad (he has had toenail fungus practically all of his life, too!). I was using a weak solution of just 1 cap of bleach with 3 cups of water followed with just the tea tree oil since July of '06. It was helping but after that amount of time (3 months), I felt it was time to try something stronger. That's when I stumbled upon your website and "WOW!" what a good one! I have since been using Ted's remedy (mentioned above with the hydrogen peroxide/ACV followed by the bleach rinse, etc.) for three days now and I've definitely noticed additional results. I will continue this therapy and hopefully it will go away soon. But my question is this: Do you think I actually have the fungus in my blood and should supplement the above regime with something internally (i.e., the chloride treatment I've read about on your site)? The reason I say this is because I have a 6 year old son that was born with fungus in his one baby toenail. I have not treated him with anything because medical personnel feel he is too young to be treated with what's on the market (Lamisol, etc.) nor do I want him on any of this. My philosophy is the more you stay away from doctors, the better off you are! Any information you can give me will be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you so much!!!! Again, your website is AWESOME!!! So much information--I love it!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Mary: Technically, a living fungus in the blood is not possible, but certain species of fungus that resemble in many ways a fungus do exist, they are called mycoplasma. When the body's defenses are down, the body simply cannot fight of external viruses also and hence the fungus. So the fact that we can claim that there are fungus, we cannot deny them, but it hasn't yet been "discovered", but I can say one thing for sure, certain fungus or fungus like organisms do exist and we have the name, mycoplasma, and if this is true, other fungus relatives we should find in the distant future. However we can't wait for research, we just need to get all the harmful pathogens out quickly before killing us. Research is always behind whatever is killing us. All we need to know is, it's there and let's get them out before we need such formal proof. Such formal proof we may die of old age so it is not a practical avenue.

The reason I say this is because I have a 6 year old son that was born with fungus in his one baby toenail

When the body's defenses are down, fungus can come wherever they come. Usually taking zinc acetates best in powdered form will usually relieve the fungus issue from the inside out. The big problem is most zinc supplements in the market don't work because of all the fillers limiting their absorption. Others that I found helpful against fungus are manganese chloride and sodium molybdate.
