Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Question About Toenails

on 01/30/2006

i have a question.. how long do i leave my toenails in the vinegar and peroxide? and do i have to soak them in the clorox right after? your mix isn't explained very well. please let me know because i really want to try it

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Before doing anything, soak your entire feet in a vinegar and peroxide solution first. About 2-3 minutes should be sufficient. Then, make another solution for the affected toes to be soak in a small cup only. Try soaking the toes for at least 5 minutes or longer. The longer the better. Once that is done, you just rinse it off, then apply clorox as your next step. Applying clorox is not as long. So just soak in a weak clorox solution of about 1-2 minutes, only the affected toes of course.

It is best to get the whole feet in a weaker solution first. (A weak solution of vinegar plus hydrogen peroxide). To clear of all fungus around the feet. However, most of your concentration will be done to get the toes soaked longest in a small cup of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar long enough for it to be killed.
