Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Treatment for Fungus in Hairs, Eye Brows and Eye Lashes

Posted by Loni (Douglas, Alaska) on 10/18/2005

My 7 year old daughter adopted from china had no hair, eye brows or eye lashes when we adopted her 2 year ago, when she was 5 years old. With help from my Natural Path she now has hair (she is taken Biotin-8 for over a year now) but it is very thin and still has no eye brows. Her eye lashes grow alittle bit then they break off. Her ophthalmologist said that when he looked at her eyes through a magnifing glass the lashes are broken and brittle. He suspected a fungus problem. My ND is not sure what to do to cure this or how to evaluate the situation. Is there any holistic treatments you could come up with to help her eliminate this fungus in her hair?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Seems she got too much vaccination. Heavy metals therefore might be the issue. So try coriander (chinese parsley) as this will chelate heavy metals. Give some chinese parsley (any amount up to you) for about a week then stop for a week, then continue. The chelation using chinese parsley should resolve the fungus issue. Secondly she seems to be silicon deficient. Give some silicic acid or some foods rich in silicate, such as oats, or horsetail. Finally give her plenty of vitamin C, preferably sodium ascorbate to help with hair growth. Give some gingseng will help stimulate hormone production, so that hair will grow. This is about what I can tell you based on your observations.
