Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Does Tea Tree Oil Promotes Growth of the Nails

Posted by Harrier (Long Beach, CA) on 12/30/2005

I have been using Ted's method for about three weeks. My big toe nail is growing out perfectly. The toe nail next to my pinky toe was split and growing thick, now about 20% of the nail has grown out-and that portion is looking better. The pinky (small) toe nail that was severy think and growing strangely that was once very stiff and nearly impossible to cut was soft and able to to easly be cut back. That nail appears to have a tiny band at the base. I would say my nails appear to be growing fast and I'm not sure if that is me or the Tea Tree oil. I would say Ted'd technique works, but does NOT cure it within days. However, I would agree it would better than 6 months that most claim is necessary. Ted's techniques should resolve the problem after about two months. I would also add the person should add ACV and Tea tree oil to the skin above the toe nail at the base of the nail. I also agree it works faster and better with two applications a day. My pinky toe came in very thick, but I don't know if the treatment is affecting that, but the nail is at keast looking clear and pink. Time will tell. My question to Ted is does he know if Tea tree oil also promotes growth of the nail?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Harrier: I am sure many of you readers have severe toenails problems so I think it is more accurate that it will take longer as you claim. My toenail has never been that severe because I tackle them before they had a chance to take over the entire toenail.

As to your question: No. Tea tree oil does not directly promote the growth of nails. It promotes indirectly by increasing the nails circulation due to its warming qualities. If you want a fast growing toe nail or want to support faster growing nails, I have found taking silicic acid (water soluble form of silicon) helps a lot. Vitamin C are also supportive of faster growing nails. I have recently experimented with DHEA and nails and hair grow quite quickly too. You do not have to take DHEA everyday. Just once a week is more than enough to notice the difference, at least for women anyway, assuming its 25 mg dosage. For men, a more frequent every other day dosages of DHEA may be in order.
