Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Question on Finger Nail Therapy

on 03/12/2006

Ted, I am confused as to how long do I need to keep my finger nails in the Hydroperoxide & Vinegar Mix? I left it in bowl for about 15 minutes but didn't see any discoloration and there were very little bubles. Currently i have 3 finger nails affected. On all three finger, the nails are only half grown and the color of nails is some what white. is this normal? In the begining the color was darker, like brownish, but over time they have started to become this whittish color. any suggetions would be greatly appreciated. Since it is finger nails, i am really embarrased in public. :(

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

It appears your solution is a little weak. Try getting a stronger hydrogen peroxide and use the pure vinegar instead. If you are already using 3% hydrogen peroxide and it is too weak, try getting a 6% hydrogen peroxide instead. It will not bubble if the fungus is deep within the nails.

A whitish appearance is a good sign that the fungus is dead. However, it appears that your nails are silicon deficient which encourages fungus growth. To strengthen the nails, just eat a lot of oatmeals or horsetails on an empty stomach everyday or supplement about 1 small pinch of silicic acid (a soluble form of silicon). One cup or two cups of oatmeal a day should do it. Just take it at least for one entire month, preferably two months. Your nails whitish appearance should reduce within a couple of weeks upon taking some oatmeals or silicon rich foods.
