Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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How to Prevent Re-infection

Posted by Harrier

My Toe nail was doing fine using Ted's method, but for some reason the large nail on my big toe seems to becoming re-infected starting from the top and working it's way down. I speak about the color. What generally cause re-infection? and how best to prevent this?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Use clean socks, apply on tea tree oil or lavender throughout the day in your feet. If you wear shoes put on plenty of talcum powder on the toe so that moisture DO NOT come back and reinfect. Use clean shoes and clean socks everytime. Very old shoes have a lot of buildup fungus. Finding an excuse to buy a new shoes. Usually new shoes are free of fungus. When going to bathroom make sure the bathroom is clean. After getting feet wet, always try to get a hair blower and dry it. Then try to apply plenty of talcum powder might help.
