Natural Remedies for Nail Fungus: Home Treatments - Ted's Q&A

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Finger Nails Fungus From Nail Salon

Posted by Sydney (Santa Ana, CA) on 01/21/2006

Ted, I got fungus on 3 of my finger nails from a nail salon...lucky me. I have been trying your program for about two weeks and it is clearing up the fungus, but it's not going away completely. I too have the slight discoloration at the top of the nail that I just can't seem to get rid of. I never had the fungus extremely bad to where the nails were falling off or turning yellow or anything. I work in a hospital though and frequent handwashing is a necessity. Will this still work for me eventually? I apply the Tea Tree Oil as much as possilbe throughout the day but the vaseline and band-aid regiment I can't pull off on work days. I'm already frustrated but I am afraid of the oral medication alternate almost more. What do you think?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Dear Sydney, If you do frequent handwashing in hospitals, then getting rid of the fungus will be difficult. It depends on what kind of handwashing you perform. Water handwashing are the worse as it is food for the fungus. The use of alcohol handwashing are a bit better since it keeps your hands dried. The problem about the use of alcohol gels to prevent hospital reinfection is the issue of alcohol and fungus, which it does not kill. You should have your own mixture of hydrogen peroxide 3% plus vinegar in equal portion to do it. This way you do the handwashing, but you use your own product.

The advantage of using a 50:50 hydrogen peroxide 3% plus vinegar is the advantage of the prevention of fungus reinfection to patients, as well as viruses and bacteria. Current hospital handwashing DOES NOT prevent hospital reinfection of both fungus AND viruses. This also includes, lupus, bird flu, legionnaires disease, Gulf War Syndrome, mycoplasma and possibly Chlamydia. Viruses don't get killed in alcohol at all and this is true of fungus and mycoplasma.

Your best bet to prevent fungus regrowth is after handwashing, if the hospital rules are to be respected, is to carry your own bottle of alcohol 100% or perhaps at least a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with you AFTER YOU DO THE HANDWASHING WHILE AT WORK. This will kill the fungus, and at the same time exceeding the limits of sanitation required by hospital rules.
