Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Lymph Node Treatment?

Posted by Gil (Jo'burg, South Africa) on 02/25/2007

My husband found a lump under his arm in December, probably resulting from a fall in September. January 3rd it was said to be an haematoma, which was then cut and scraped as it had formed 'fibres'. This wound did not heal, weeped until he returned to the specialist on the 17th Feb, she then cut it open again, told us that she had removed some lymph glands that looked bad. Last Friday he was told that they were cancer. The surgeon said that these were not there in January. We both started 'oil pulling' at the beginning of January and I am wondering if it was toxins from that, that they have seen? Also when he felt discomfort he took the lemon and baking soda with water. This he said seemed to soften the lump, and it drained better. Now after the second op, they removed the drain on Friday, and he says the lump is still there and getting bigger. Please help me? He has stopped the oil pulling and the lemon with baking soda. I have now started him on a drop of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. Is it too late and can this help even though it has been cut? I have bought him the apricot kernels, he will be taking them when he gets back from work at lunchtime, also he has started CoQ10, yesterday. I would appreciate an answer as I am very worried. Thanking you.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Gil: Hydrogen peroxide 3% dosage is often 6-12 drops to 1 glass of water taken at least about 4 times a day. The baking soda and lime, for example, needs a larger dose, so that would be about 1/2 teaspoon taken three times a day at least. It takes a least about 2 weeks for the body to have a sufficient amount of bicarbonates. Some zinc gluconate or zinc supplements can be helpful to increase the body's immune system, usually 50 mg taken once or twice a week so that the body will not be deficient.

A hydrogen peroxide 1% can be applied in the area of the arm or lymph glands externally or topically. Frequency of dose is what I think will be most helpful for improvement in conditions.

Avoid sugars, bread, fried foods and sweets is the best ways toward getting the body fit to fight off any weakness or healing to occur, at least during the period. Eating light meals after supper, in particular salads, will prevent the body from toxic overload.
