Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Sugar, Fats, and Cancer

Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 10/11/2011

Ted, I have been reading your information about cancer treatment with great interest. I have two questions if I may. You list what you can't eat, but I can't find a list anywhere of what you CAN eat, or what you recommend.

From my readings elsewhere, I would agree that sugar feeds cancer, and a low blood sugar is critical. I'm interested in your opinion on fruit however. In Doug Grahams book 80-10-10, he makes the claim that fruit sugar isn't the problem, its fat. He hypothesis is that fat in the body is similar to an oil spill on the ocean, creating a thin slick coating over normal cells. Since this coating inhibits the normal cells from uptaking the sugars and nutrients, the blood sugar quickly rises. Remove the fat (by only eating fruits and vegetables) and he claims the cells are now free to quickly intake the sugars, and the blood sugar never rises. I would really enjoy your thoughts on this.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Can't find a list anywhere of what you CAN eat, or what you recommend.

If your blood sugar stays pretty normal from eating anything you want it's fine, but most cancer people are diabetic, and by diabetic I mean Fasting Blood Sugar at not over 90 mg/dL, If non fasting it cannot go above 100 mg/dL, and you have a 97% probability of survival with the sugar control. The most popular diets for cancer are actually the ketogenic diets, that don't produce sugar in the blood.

What can you eat? Well almost anything except the sugar, artificial sugar, and fats. Two favorite foods for cancer are fat and sugar, and one more chemicals such as artificial sugar, preserved meats (in sodium nitrate, which under cooking temperature converts into nitrosamines).

Most studies on fruits are based on people with normal sugar (non diabetic) or that the fruits they use are fruit extracts, its always ok on that one. I know many people got their legs cut off and I don't want to see more legs cut off with disinformation on fruits. If you have normal sugar, and your blood sugar doesn't go above 90 mg/dL because you eat a lot of fruits then eat all you want. But reality is, our sugar consumption in general is more then 100 times more than the 19th century, whether it is fruits or sugar in general. You are betting against a casino, the house on the average always wins, but some time, you may win.

For most people it is that we take more sugar than we can burn. Well you need to take more if you are going on hiking and other strenuous physical activity, but if you typically burn 1200 calories per day, and your intake on sugar is typically 2400, then it goes to fat, but if you burn 1200 calories a day, and your intake it 1200 calories a day, that fine. It's always about balance, but typical person eats more sugar then they can burn if he sits at a desk all day, so that it is converted to fat.

What can you eat? Almost anything, but the most important diet is oat bran, because the intestines will break down the short chain fatty acid into energy by fermentation. You can also eat fruit extracts, without the sugar, such as grape seed extract, lemon peel, red wine extract, etc. There's also no problem about fishes, but best prepared in steamed or boiled, and chicken, and meats in general is ok, if you keep your phosphates in check, since excess phosphates are also cancer causing. Typically partially cooked foods are easier to digest (if not spoiled) then well done foods, since there is low digestive enzymes in most cancer patients, and because it is easier to digest, you resolve constipation, which is common in cancer patients. There's no limit on vegetables but too much broccoli and cruciferous vegetables is a common problem causing thyroid issues, but this can be offset if iodine painting or seaweed is in the diet. As far as healthy people in general with great blood sugar, there is no restrictions on sugar, if you defined normal blood sugar to be 80 to 90 mg/dL, and the numbers comes from death of cancer is minimum of there blood sugar is there, but it also applies to other animal such as dogs as well, their blood sugar averages is between 80 to 90 mg/dL too.

So if you are referring to cancer patients where the majority are diabetics this applies, but if you are a healthy gymnasts in his 20s then it doesn't apply in fact, he needs more sugar for the level of work he's doing.

As far as fats removal, I used fat emulsifies, such as granulated lecithin that makes fat water soluble, apple cider vinegar to dissolve fats and is rid of in stool, or amino acid that attaches to fat cells, such as glycine and is rid of that way, or something that burns the fat such as L carnitine, or something reduces the blood sugar such as Alpha Lipoic acid, N acetyl cysteine, chromium, vanadium, for example. Or boron supplements if the hormones are low, or Human Growth Hormone, or testosterone as the cause, for example. Some people can't digest foods, and they eat less and get fat, well that's lack of digestive enzymes, or people get acid and gets constipated, so they take alkaline after meals. As you can see it boils down to what is your cause of weight gain, and once you know then there are supplements to handle that. There is no right and wrongs.

Depending on your diet and excesses the answer to reducing your weight, but most people gain weight two ways, sugar, or fats or both. But that's the very general view. There are more deeper problems such as the body has low hormones, low vitamin D, low metabolism, etc.


Replied by Gato

Ketogenic diet.
