Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Ted's Remedies

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/07/2011 392 posts

Explaining the whys and hows of using ORP, pH, Conductivity and Brix meters.

The ORP basically is measured with an electronic ORP meter, which usually is less than $100, and the common way is to measure your urine. It measures your antioxidant status, gaseous and liquid state. Gaseous components are hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen gas (if any) and in the liquid state vitamin C, cysteine. This is most well known to be your antioxidant status. It is expressed in millivolts and the ideal state of health is around -70 to -150 millivolts. The cancer patient will experience between -30 millivolts to -10 millivolts, by what I see.

There is someone who took advantage of these millivolts and used in cancer treatment, Dr. Nordenstorm, by understanding transmembrane potential. So if the numbers are closer to cancer, we simply give vitamin C ascorbic acid, or ascorbic acid with baking soda to get higher ORP in the millivolts range since ascorbic acid in itself is in the positive millivolts range. Most foods we eat are oxidizing, in the range of 50 to 400 millivolts. So obviously people in the low millivolts range are low in energy.

Conductivity is your urine's conductivity, but I went further. I try to obtain conductivity around 300 to 600. Now much of it has a lot to do with not the sodium, or chloride, which reflects your electrolyte status, that is part of it, but of heavy metal toxicity exposure (more likely). The person will experience something like 800 to 1000 range in the conductivity range if he has metal exposure. The most common heavy metal exposure is water faucet and rusty pipes, and the most common are copper (since pipes are often copper), and iron is the other one. But there are also lead (pipes) in older building. Cadmium and arsenic are also found if you find your ORP is positive, which doesn't happen under normal conditions. Most people check for electrolytes status, but this is imprecise, yes it does, and you should get in within range is good enough, but the best thing about this is detecting heavy metal exposure.

Brix is an easy way to measure your sugar without having to get cuts. The brix I prefer to use is 1-10%, the ideal sugar should be around 1.5, but in diabetes or hypoglycemia, it will be above this such as 3.0 (for diabetes) and 2 (for hypoglycemia). So the usual rule is simple, avoid especially fructose, sugar, and carbohydrates in order of importance. So if you are diabetic, you will avoid all three, if you are hypoglycemic you will avoid fructose and sugar. If you have cancer, which often is accompanied by diabetes, then you will avoid all three and go on a ketogenic diet.


Replied by Mike
Montreal, Quebec

I have been reading about the condition by which cancer can survive which is in a very low Ph environment deprived of adequate Oxygen levels in the body.

My question for you Ted since you have been around cancer patients for quite some time, is what effect would going through a very rigorous program of complete alkalization of the body have on cancer ?

Already there is a lot of interest in the BAKING SODA and MAPLE SYRUP protocol for killing cancer cells.

If a cancer patient would consume large amount of baking soda and highly alkaline fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers what impact on a long term basis would this have on a cancer patient ?

You can user a meter for constantly monitoring the Ph levels for maintaining the highest level of alkalization that the body can safely support.

Can this work in allowing patients to live longer?
