Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Mixing Colloidal Silver with H2O2

Posted by Lyle (Chinook, AB) on 03/17/2009

How does the hydrogen peroxide change the colloidal silver?

In TED'S last remedy

Colloidal silver is anti-cancer due to its antiviral properties PROVIDED that it is mixed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide until the solution becomes clear.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Hydrogen peroxide is very reactive to any metals. The peroxide breaks down, but the metals are also broken down from the turbulence of the reaction too, especially if the size to begin with is microscopic.

When colloidal silver is reacted with hydrogen peroxide, the large particles of colloidal silver breaks smaller and smaller until it's small enough to have some antiviral effects. I remember reading that the particles of silver colloids is too large to have antiviral effect, unless the silver itself is smaller. Hence the addition of the peroxide. Normally an ordinary colloidal silver is yellow, but when reacted with peroxide, it either becomes clear or slightly blue in color, where the color is possibly indicative of their size. Yellow colors the particlers are large, but a very large one you get brown color, and even larger particles it becomes black. So if is smaller it goes on the other spectrum to a more slightly bluish tinge or perhaps colorless color. It's reasonable at least for me that a colorless colloidal silver is indicative of smaller particles. A reaction of hydrogen peroxide and silver both causes the silver to be smaller, but at the same time it combines with a free radical oxygen, to become tiny particles of silver oxide, and if more oxygen is covered, it is more oxidative. Even without the need to try to prove the anticancer properties of the silver itself, I have received many reports of application of hydrogen peroxide, both applied externally and even drinking drops of hydrogen peroxide diluted in water to remove the skin cancer and certain cancers found on the face and internally area just the same.

