Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Stage 4 Cancer - Diet Help From Ted

Posted by Anonymous (Anonymous) on 08/22/2011

My 31 year old sister has stage 4 mastetic cancer, I have printed off the things I could find in your articles but we just don't know where to start. Can you help her if she is doing IV chemo? What kinds of things does she eat if she can't have any of the sugars, wheat, frutose ext.?

Thank You

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

First blood sugar must be 90 mg/dL, must avoid sugar, especially fructose, glucose, sugar, etc. Oat bran must be eaten everyday. The lysine 1000 mg, N acetyl cysteine 250 mg, threonine 250, green tea extract 100 mg roughly must be taken every hour for four hours, one in morning and another round in evening. This is repeated at least 3 days. there after the schedule depends on the condition, and major remedy shall be Lugol's iodine, find suitable dose, ideally it is around 5 drops x 6, but you need to find your own dose where it doesn't produce side effects. These are summary of cancer remedy, you may look at postings. There is warnings about chemotherapy, their success rate is low, 3% survives after 5 years, 97% death rate. Check my previous posting.

Begin with Lysine, n acetyl cysteine, threonine, green tea extract or tannic acid first. Avoid all forms of sugar and if necessary complex carbohydrate and achieve, 90 mg/dL. She can eat all the vegetables you want, juices. Essential vitamins and nutrients are selenium yeast 200 mcg x 2, B3 niacinamide 500 x 6, vitamin C ascorbic acid 500 x 6, beta glucan 500 mg x 6 are the key. There are key natural supplements you can look at, andrographis paniculata, 1000-3000 mg twice a day and sabah snake grass, 1000-3000 mg twice a day are some things to look for.

Yes, no wheat, but also no vegetable oils initially in cooking.

