Integrative Cancer Remedies: Natural Healing Approaches - Ted's Q&A

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Remedies Needed for Anaplastic Astrocytoma Brain Tumor

Posted by D. on 08/06/2008

Hi Ted, Your website was sent to me by a friend. My husband was diagnosed with a Grade III Anaplastic Astrocytoma May 7, 2007. The tumor can not be removed due to its location. Speech, Eyesight, Motor Skills. He has been through 30days of regular radiation and chemotherapy which did help to reduce it some but then started to grow rapidly. They used Cyber Knife radiation this past May and after one month had begun to kill the cancer in the center of the tumor. Another MRI just this past month July 2008 shows that it is growing again ever so slightly when doctors had hopes the cyber knife would continue to kill the cancer. He will have another MRI in September to see if it will start growing rapidly again. If it is, our only option is more chemo. Do you have any suggestions that could help save his life. Thank you.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

I had one interesting metastasis brain cancer case that had managed to move to other areas after I have applied a solution of clove oil diluted with maybe lavender oil plus some aloe vera cream, or aloe vera oil. It is applied on the forehead, behind the ears, neck and throat area every one hour. The metastasis cancer, and the movement of cancer out from that area will be reduced if application were hourly. Before formulating an ideal combination of concentration of clove oil, it helps to first test on my skin or other areas before applying them as it may cause some burning of the skin. It is still a matter of debate which supplements I used helped, but what I can say is clove oil was a clear winner on fighting cancer problems such as brain tumor that I have experienced in. I have tested other things,

An lugols iodine solution I can apply thinly in those area hourly also, Plus hourly colostrum supplements. While metastasis cancer are indeed difficult to kill them outright, I have managed to control them or at least go to other parts of the area that is less critical and then causing them to shrink and reduce them.

I have also found that BHT supplements usually 500 mg-1000 mg a day also reduce the degree of metastasis and tumor size. Certain other supplements that may help, even if the person can take it by mouth can be taken rectally such as curcumin (1/2 teaspoon) and quercetin 1000 mg (usually hourly during critical times).

It should be noted that my experience with metastasis cancer is an interesting one. It often occurs after a chemotherapy or the removal of cancer, that happens if successful ater 3 years, and certain environmental triggers, such as herbicide or insecticide causes them to spread very quickly

Varicose veins or thickening of blood should be noted in certain people with tumors since it causes blood thickening in some cases and I have noted that 2 major supplements that reverse this is quercetin, hourly and 250 mg disodium EDTA and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in one liter of water help.

In general, the major area of improvement is taking a drop of clove oil in one glass or 1/2 glass of water (if not too hot) is taken hourly or if not possible...because for some people it's too hot. then an application of clove oil diluted in aloe vera cream or aloe vera oil, mixed with some lavender oil may help. Now for me, i used a 5-10% clove oil in ethanol alcohol applied to the skin or forehead, neck and behind the ear for example. But clove oil has burning sensation so for different people the formula needs to be adjusted where appropriate. The positive effects should be some improvement within a matter of a couple of hours. At least this is a good first aid remedy if I do have brain tumor or other tumor and clove oils is one of my major supply in my emergency first aid kit.

I am sure I can go on with a lot of detail, but this condition seems to bid time and I think at least initially clove is the major one. Lugol is the second. If BHT is available, this can be mixed or dissolved with the clove oil solution. It's important to dilute clove oil sufficiently that it does not burn the skin too much with appropriate aloe vera creams or oil when applying them. Initially I prefer to keep applying 30 minutes, but people seem to prefer hourly being more convenient.

I hope this helps, as emails are not the best of communication devices when discussing issues related to cancer tumor of the brain.


Replied by Joyce
Joelton, Tn

To D. whose husband has anaplastic astrocytoma of brain: Hi D. , go to Dr. Mercola site and watch the Doug Kaufman interview with Italian oncologist, Tullio Simoncini who talks about treating cancers with local injections into cancers in Italy. It sounds very effective & safer than our slash, burn & torture treatment.
