Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits - Ted's Q&A

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Will It Help Colon Function?

Posted by Greer on 03/14/2007

Hi Ted, A friend told me about oilpulling.com - I read about it today and then on an "oil pulling" internet search came across your very interesting and informative site. I'm certainly going to try "oil pulling". My question for you concerns my mother: she is 81 years old and had chemotherapy and radiation treatments for an ano-rectal tumor in 1999. She is cancer free, but has been left with a radiation ulcer at the spot where the tumor was and as a result cannot hold her bowel functions at all - she suffers a lot of "burning" pain from the frequency of her visits and the doctors have only suggested a colostomy operation which she does not want. I saw an x-ray of her colon, and her descending colon is the width of a fat pencil, the rectal area below that is normal in size. Can you suggest any natural products that can help her? I'm going to tell her about "oil pulling" when I get home. I appreciate any guidance that you may offer. In Peace, Love and Light, Namaste

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Greer: Yes oil pulling is good, but to minimize the problem, I tend to be a bit more careful than most people. Try to at least do the following first before oil pulling, it helps:

1. Freshly squeezed lime plus about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda or you may add more so that the fizz is reduced. It should taste like water if the pH is 7. You can make it slightly sour if you wish to make it taste good. This is taken twice a day.

2. Apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoon plus 1/4 teaspoon baking soda taken twice a day.

If possible do that for at least 1-2 weeks before begining oil pulling. The reason is simple. The body can detoxify with oil pulling better if the body is in an alkaline state.

all - she suffers a lot of "burning" pain from the frequency of her

It is this acidity state that she is suffering burning pain. Alkalinity first, oil pulling for detox.