Ted's Dog Mange Cure

Posted by Kathy (Wildwood, New Jersey) on 11/13/2007

Borox Mange cure, Just wanted to say that it really works my puppy boxer girl has almost all her hair back after a month of treatments with borox and peroxide .I have spent numerous amounts of money on veternary cures which only offered temporary relief and made her quite sick at times, Saw Teds cure and figured what did I have to lose .I gave it a try and the very first day the smell of rotting skin was gone. Continued bathing every day for two weeks and saw hair growing back on hind legs and stomach no more itching or bad odor .I also added 1/8 teaspoon of Borox to drinking water . Made a spray bottle of solution and sprayed entire house and yard . Will keep doing every week until I am sure there is no more mange .Ted I also saw some dead fleas in the tub water after baths. I think I might change my vet because he was sure the dog did not have fleas and that It had to be seasonal allergies ,Poor puppy suffered for months and became bald with crusty scabs and bloody sores all over her. Thank you so much for this remarkable cure My baby girl Bailey is on her way to being beautiful again

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Yes, the fleas are sometimes carrier of the demodectic mites which causes mange too. The borax and peroxide will kill fleas, mites and mange. In human we sometimes call the mange a lupus, when it might be only just demodectic mites in humans and the human remedy is a cruel one, which uses chemotherapy and in one case of lupus I have seen had just died from chemotherapy. The borax and peroxide also works well if infection get to human also.

One key treatment in mange is that of quarantine if mange do get back it is the reinfection from the yard. A borax and peroxide is needed to be sprayed fairly frequently in the house area and if unsuccessful, the dog should be quarantined in a secure area to prevent such reinfection.