Acidic pH Remedies - Ted's Q&A

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What Will Help Salivary Ph Become Alkaline?

Posted by Joseph on 02/19/2009

... even though the sodium bicarb/potassium bicarb turns the urine pH alkaline, it never turns the salivary pH alkaline. That always remains around 5.5. Since some researchers feel the salivary pH is much more critical than the urinary pH, I'm wondering if the salivary pH will become alkaline if I continue to do the protocol, or if there is something else that can help it turn alkaline.

Many thanks to you,


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The potassium is the primary method of getting alkaline pH. Actually, extracellular fluids is like a highway system where toxic wastes are rid of from the cells. So getting alkaline urine is important. The exception appears that if a person is deficient of potassium, then it's the intracellular fluids that is acid. Two intracellular fluids are required, magnesium and potassium, and traces of phosphate. In practice potassium will get you alkaline pH fairly quickly, but if the body's accessibility to buffers are limited due to circulation then a carbicarb is required to reach those. In any event, I don't use what present conventional medicine (in Europe, at least) and has long modified them to be a carbicarb + potassium mix. Which technically speaking is a equimolar concentrations of carbicarb. A more powerful potassium is the tripotassium citrate. You have to realize that the alkaline bandwagon started in the early 1990s before it hit popularity with the internet around the late 1990s. However, I have been doing this since the late 1960s, and Dr. Carey Reams started somewhere in the 1970s. My idea wasn't even original one either. It was first suggested by Edgar Cayce the importance of alkaline foods found in vegetables, but I found that inconvenient and settled for baking soda instead. An Australian marketed Unique Water that had Magnesium bicarbonate to alkalized the intracellular fluids which I h ave known that long time before it was even patented. In any event, the primary vehicle to alkalized the salivary pH is fairly quick and I have noticed that you may not have even added potassium citrate (tripotassium citrate), or potassium bicarbonate to a large extent in the dosing in alkalizing, which is why the salivary pH still remains at an acidic range. It appears that the body remains low on potassium and perhaps another one was also ignored, which is the magnesium, preferably magnesium bicarbonate. In practice a magnesium bicarbonate doesn't exist in dry state so i would either use a magnesium citrate or a magnesium chloride to replenish electrolytic deficiency and imbalances in the intracellular makeup of magnesium and potassium. It takes a bit longer to alkalize the salivary pH as opposed to urinary pH. The lag time for urinary pH is only an hour or two, while a potassium pH lags about 12-24 hours. In effect, if regular frequent measurements and proper dose were observed, the potassium's effect of salivary pH would have been noticed anyway. A salivary pH of 5.5 is a seriously distressed body. In any event, there IS a possibility where potassium has little effect on salivary pH. That has a lot to do with poisons added into our food where the body is seriously distressed in metabolic acidosis. That I found came from excitotoxins of aspartame that is now present in thousands of consumer products, including Gatorade, xylitol chewing gums, Clorets, Flintstone vitamins, many effervescent products (such as to reduce stomach acid) that required a much larger dose to neutralize these. Hence, to have any DENT on increasing salivary pH, excitotoxins, such as aspartate (e.g. lithium aspartate, or anything with aspartate name), Monsodium Glutamate, and other amino acids of excitoxins should be avoided as if the neural system is destroyed, the body's natural restoration of pH is affected and both urinary pH and salivary pH is stubborn to change to more alkalinity. A long term metabolic acidosis, especially acid intracellular fluids has a much better chance ot becoming cancer causing. It's also interesting to note that hydrocarbon exposures such as benzene found in softdrinks from the use of sodium benzoate, which breaks down into benzene causes both metabolic acidosis and neural damage.

Whatever the arguments, present researchers have a long way to go in understanding these pH issues. Issues such the body's electrical capacitance, electrical conductance, body's electrical potential, are other issues that had not given importance, the effects of difference buffering, and even something as simple as a electrolyte drinks are currently missign magnesium, the ignorance of the toxicity of lactates and lactose, the hydrocarbon causing metabolic acidosis, are some of the topics today's writers should cover but are only just barely even going beyond baking soda. Has anyone ever had a look at other kinds of buffers yet, besides bicarbonates yet? Such as carbicarb, citrates, etc.?

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines

Hi Ted... A little while ago I read and studied Max Geerson's cancer protocols. One of these protocols was a 10% mix of potassium gluconate, potassium phosphate(monobasic) and potassium acetate in a full glass of water. He would then use doses of 4 teaspoons of this mix in a glass of water and feed it to his patients 10 times a day -- quite large dosages. So I became intrigued with the potassium acetate part and created some sodium acetate in solution myself using rice vinegar and baking soda and took it for a while. In my research on acetates and the Krebs Cycle, I noted that acetates essentially regenerate bicarbonates and mild alkalinity within the cells. But when I had a look at citrates, I noted that these create carbonates at the end of the cell Krebs cycle which behaves in similar ways to bicarbonates with one big difference. Carbonates are far more alkaline than bicarbonates and so wI'll have a much stronger alkalizing effect overall than acetates within the cell. But I confess I am as much impressed with acetates as with citrates, both seem to have there uses.

Replied by antoine

Hi Bill,

So it is better to take citrate forms of electrolytes than bicarbonate/carbonate forms of electrolytes to restore BOTH intracellular and extracellular PH?

Or one should take bicarbonates/carbonates on empty stomach and citrates with meals or right after meals?

Citrates need to take on empty stomach as well like bicarbonates?

Thank you
