Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief - Ted's Q&A

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10 Year Old with Severe Dandruff, Yeast Infections

Posted by Marie-Francoise (New Providence, NJ)

Question: my 10 year old daughter suffers from terrible dandruff. I was told to use Denorex, an anti-dandruff shampoo but it seems worse. I have read all the notes about "Ted" treatments and I wonder what is OK to use on a child? By the way, she also has had several cases of yeast infection in the last year. SO is the dandruff likely to be linked to fungus? The rest of her facial skin is rather oily and she's had a lot of small pimples as the start of puberty hormones are raging. My questions are: 1) Should I just use the apple-cider-vinegar-with-hydrogen-peroxide-and-water as an every other day shampoo for her and stop using any other commercial shampoos? 2) Also, I'm not sure what borax is or where to get it and how to mix it and whether I should use it on her and when? 3) Finally, do I mix tea tree oil and lavender oil straight and also apply that to her head? 4) what I'm asking is how 1), 2) and 3) go together as a regimen. I'd appreciate your input soon. Other kids at school are starting to notice and avoid her as if she had the plague. Signed: A concerned Mom.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Marie-Francoise: Yes dandruff is often linked to yeast infection. Oily skin is a big clue. It is very important to give zinc supplements to stop the oily skin. Often an oily skin is also a sign of vitamin A deficiency, cod liver oil is often the best for it removes heavy metals causing it, and provides vitamin A. When heavy metals are removed, fungus are weakened.

1) Should I just use the apple-cider-vinegar-with-hydrogen-peroxide-and-water as an every other day shampoo for her and stop using any other commercial shampoos?

Commercial shampoos make the condition worse. Switch over to apple cider peroxide 1% and water every other day is best.

2) Also, I'm not sure what borax is or where to get it and how to mix it and whether I should use it on her and when?

Borax can be added to the hydrogen peroxide 1%, but may weaken in presence of apple cider vineger. For a fungus condition I would recommend you use the borax and hydrogen peroxide 1% solution first for shampooing. Wait 15 minutes, then followed by apple cider vinegar. Try using mule team borax for taking baths instead of ordinary soap. They help.

3) Finally, do I mix tea tree oil and lavender oil straight and also apply that to her head?

Tea tree oil and lavender is applied while the child sleeps. You mix both together before applying to the head. Do only for 3-4 straight days out of a week would be sufficient and if not much improvement do it for a weekly basis.

It is important to give her a good evening primrose oil 1/2 teaspoon and flax seed oil 1/2 teaspoon, for 3-4 days out a week. These are important for hormonal balance. Some vitamin E and zinc are important in reducing acne.

Dandruff is often easy to get rid of. It just takes a little patience. Don't forget to supplement zinc (zinc acetate, or zinc citrate) 10 mg/day for only 4 days out of a week, on weekly basis for a month. Hormones will stabilize if she avoids fried foods. Vitamin A and vitamin D are important, but cod liver oil, one teaspoon per day should be quite helpful. It takes a week to notice the difference. Ted
