Effective Natural Remedies for GERD Relief - Holistic Approach - Ted's Q&A

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Gerd, Silent Reflux Leaving Me Tired, Bloated

Posted by Weight Lifter (Anonymous) on 11/06/2011

Hi Ted. I have a form of GERD with silent reflux. i have been to the dr and he told me i have Gerd and bad motility. i took 3 years ago treatment with 0 results. My gerd is weird because i get really nausea bloated and no energy when I try to eat protein meals like meat, all kinds whey protein (i weight train)... i do not know what to do. if i eat only carbs i feel energetic but it bloats me and after 20 min i feel bad. also in the summer time i sweat really bad (never before). i gain very easy fat and body water and it's very hard to lose it.

I feel generally very bad. i study pharmacy and i think my long term memory is bad all related to this reflux. i tried a few months ago some organic grape vinegar with BS but it gave me water weight and a general feeling of weakness so i discontinued. i saw on the earthclinic.com some remedies and i will try to add potassium to my BS. other side effects are BAD Breath, slow motility, sweating in summer time, cold hands, BURPS, dry skin, some hair loss, cloudy urine (i take some supplements), bloating feeling very bad afer meal. i tried everything digestive enzymes probiotics, B-complex magnesium (gives me bad NAUSEA and reflux), herbs, DGL Ulcetrol (now foods) so so so many for liver bile etc. nothing works. to have energy i tale ALCAr and for brain some choline, PS, B6. for muscles it is very hard i cannot eat basically much protein only small meals with some organic meat and some protein shakes. my life is a ruin. my urine ph is 7 but i never tested saliva Ph but i think is acidic. if i try to stay away from carbs i feel ok but less energetic in a few days. what to Ted what to do? some told me i have low stomach acid but i took betaine and no results, i felt worse........

Please help me!!!!!!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

The feeling of nausea is often due to the liver being congested in this case. The liver can be congested from fat that was taken a long time ago, or alcoholism, or liver steatosis, from consuming too much vegetable oils from fried foods. It is not easy to cure liver cirrhosis, but granulated lecithin perhaps 1/2 teaspoon twice a day will slowly get them out. The other problem is too much heavy metals accumulated, if the homes were located near a shipyard, and that can cause some liver congestion. For that, using olive oil through oil pulling may help, although it may take some time to get rid of it, not all but enough so that the body can recover. The other common remedy I use is vitamin C, ascorbic acid, 500 mg x 6, may help. Ginger tea or freshly chopped ginger one tablespoon 3 times a day, prepared as tea may also help the liver issue. The thing that will most help the liver would be vitamin B50, and some vitamin E which will help increase the energy. The problem about bloating can be due to the stomach not producing enough hydrochloric acid, since the body needs for one B50 which is more or less B1, B2, B3 (niacinamide), B5, B6, and others, which is 50 mg B12 is only 50 mcg. The digestive enzyme may be taken, but primarily betaine HCL will help the most if taken with meals, and stay away from beans, they cause a lot of gas, which can be eliminated, if bean sprouts are used instead.


Replied by Weight Lifter

Hello Ted, thank u from all my heart for the wonderfull response and i want to ask you if u please tell me if Borax and sodium alginate would help me... and here in romania i cannot find borax so boron is good to take???? i only can find boric acid... Please help me TEd i am desperate."

01/13/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Borax (sodium tetraborate) is not generally used in low energy but it may help some of the GERD but only after eating, the other one is Hydrochloric acid concentrated, 4 drops in a full glass of water taken with meals. The sodium alginate mixed in water, may help reduce the GERD by protecting the lining of the stomach, but if you are collagen deficient, where the limiting amino acid supplement is the lysine and vitamin C, the sodium alginate would not help.

I have seen some people's stomach to be like a gel in extreme lysine deficiency, which later goes to effect the liver to cause jaundice and he ended up having to remove most of the stomach and the gall bladder, The simple deficiency is vitamin K2 m4 and lysine would have prevented all that. There is some vitamin K2 m4 in butter, not much but some, you can get more with raw butter, ideally grass fed cows would be ideal, and I think Romania does have some of that. Borax might help in some cases of GERD but is often mixed at 1/8 (women's dose) teaspoon in one liter of water. The problem is detox of fungus and you will get a breakout in a few cases, not many as the fungus gets flushed from the system, its the same analogy as spraying roaches in the house, and they come out and finally getting killed.

Your lack of lysine is I think one of the major causes, as you lack energy and GERD is related to lysine deficiency in this special case. I think 1/4 teaspoon lysine hourly, for four hours, for a week will resolve the fundamental problems, and they are some issues with fungus which usually cause GERD, but I believe in addressing the fundamental aspect, such as your energy first, and stay away from sugar and eat green apples as it contains potassium citrate, 3 or 4 times a day to address bad breath, some of GERD, and potassium deficiency, and constipation, no milk, obviously. I think humic acid will get rid of at least temporarily, but quickly the GERD, it's almost instantaneous in its actions.

