Oil Pulling Caused Severe Heartburn, Throat Closing
I appreciate any help you can give me, as I am having some breathing problems and fear suffocating. I was suffering severe gerd/lpr (one or both) and so I oil-pulled for about 40 minutes, constantly replacing the oil and sucking the acid up as best I could in order to spit it out. Perhaps this was a mistake? I now have severe heartburn and am worried about my throat tube closing up because of the acid. I took a slippery elm lozenge and that has made my throat swell. Is this getting worse in order to get better or did I do too much? Thank you so much!
Spitting out excess hydrochloric acid from the body can often worsen the condition leading to reduced chloride in the body stressing the body further, by reducing the body of electrolytes, especially the chlorides in which the body synthesizes from salts.
The best remedy is to restore the electrolytes. Which includes bicarbonate and chlorides from the sea salt. The primary remedy is:
in a liter of drinking water, at least for initial remedy, it is 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt. and drink slowly throughout the day to restore the chlorides. It should be stress that ONLY SEA SALT is used as the common table salt will worsen the condition because they are acidic in nature from the drying agent.
The baking soda is the common standard I used to reduce GERD. Interestingly the more the burp, the more the baking soda is needed by the system so that the intestinal tract can acquire the needed bicarbonates to neutralize the acid from the digested food. Otherwise, if there is insufficient bicarbonates, most foods will just remain in the stomach and ferment because if the stomach tries to release the digested food, it is going to damage the intestinal tract, this is how GERD occurs. I have seen people on drugs (such as ICE, and alcohol) but also some cases of artificial sugar users (such as aspartame, Sweet n' Low, vitamins with added aspartame) which destroys the neural system that controls normal digestion and stabilizes the acid/alkaline digestive system too. In which case these major toxins should be eliminated. Even antibiotic can often initiate a GERD because they are very acid forming, but I suspect the fungus toxins found in these antibiotic to initiate a problem
too. That happens quite often. So they should be avoided.
The baking soda remedy requires 1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of water (but preferably 1 glass is best) taken three times a day. The reason for the mention of 1/2 glass is some people cannot drink so much water such as 1 glass, this might happen, but if they can drink 1 glass without any problems then i prefer adding 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water taken three times a day on an empty stomach to replenish the lost bicarbonates that causes the stomach not to released digested food materials to the intestinal tract.
Once the condition gets better usually the second dose or maintenance dose for sea salt is only 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per liter of water. As for the baking soda it is usually 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in 1/2 to 1 glass of water twice a day on an empty stomach and it takes about a week or two to notice improvement. I have noticed that fish oil is helpful also and I would likely to take them once a day to at least helpful with the brain, which controls the digestive system and omega 3 is high in the brain also, but on the other hand most American diets are of omega 6 to omega 3 like 20:1, when ideally it should be 1: 1 or even at least 4:1, and causes immune issues that maybe linked to GERD.