No Luck with Gerd Remedies
Hi there Ted, I have been reading many of the stories concerning acid reflux and felt very excited when I heard about the ACV and the Baking soda, so I went out and purchased them (organic) took them for about 5days and then the acid came back (pain in my back and pit of stomach) so went back onto the Losec (Omeprazole) I thought of giving it another go and this time after only 2 days I had bad back pain and acid came back with a vengeance, so gave up although I really wanted it to work so much. Anyway I have been on Losec for 10yrs on and off, the situation now is that if I take 10mg then I have to really watch what I eat and drink, say if drink Teas - which I am addicted to (Tea, milk and sugar - sugary teas!) during the day - then I get acid reflux reaering it's head towards the end of the day or evening as the Losec starts to wear off, if I take 20mg which I am taking now - then the teas don't bother me usually - depending if I tale lots or just a few. I am 110kilos, down from 115kilos two weeks ago - trying to lose weight by walking round the park a few times per day, I also take Seroxat (Paxil) for depression also for 10yrs and that has an affect on my weight, I am taking only 3mg a day from 10mg which was my normal dose - the tapering off of this drug is nasty and now feel nervous/angry/tearful - but what can I do? If I go back on to a higher dose then I immediately feel better as the Serotonin levels increase but i feel like I failed - yet again - as I have been trying to get off (tapering) for years and then end up going back on the drug.
I read once about the enteric nervous system and how we have 90% of our serotonin receptors in the digestive system, so by cutting down on Paxil can cause an increase of acid reflux and stomach problems/ nervouseness etc. Today I took Vit B Complex 100's capsule and a vegan digestive enzyme tablet with my meal and my drugs in the morning (Seroxat 3mg and Losec 20mg) I read alesewhere that Calcium Citrate tightens the LES - surely this is all I need - to tighten the LES?? Please advise me, I will be forever grateful if I could be cured, I am grateful that you have listened and read my letter. And slightly jealous that others are getting some success with their GERD but I am back to square one as they say, f course I am pleased of others success as well. You can use my letter if you want on the site, Thanks again Ted, Gerald, London and Beijing.
With 110 kilo weight the body is quite acid, especially the sugar which fuels the acid reflux. Therefore, a better remedy appears that the body needs twice the bicarbonate based on the person's weight of 100 kilo. In which case the remedy appears to be closer to using a lime and baking soda remedy since it uses more bicarbonate. In which case 2 tablespoons of lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, in 1/2 glass of water, perhaps taken 3 times a day on an empty stomach. The reason why it's not working however appears that the body's magnesium level is already low and I would likely take (assuming I weigh 110 kilogram) at 500 mg of magnesium citrate taken 5 days out of a week, plus the lime and baking soda three times a day and a vitamin B complex taken twice a week, where 100 mg of B1, B2, B3, B5, B8 while B12 is 100 mg).
The body seems to have a low tolerance for anything acid, if it does not respond to the usual remedies, I would likely try in addition to magnesium citrate plus b complex as mentioned, the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate in 1/2 glass of water taken two times a day would likely to help me. In addition 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium hydroxide mixed would further help kill the organism yet to be identified RESPONSIBLE for the acid reflux.
Sugar and high fats, high oily food diets should be completely avoided during the treatment period so that the body can be cured of acid reflux.
Levelland, Tx, USA
How can you tell if you have acid reflux or bile reflux? Symptoms of acid reflux and bile reflux in your esophagus are virtually the same. If your symptoms include vomit, check the color. Bile has a tell-tale yellow tint. If you also have symptoms of bile reflux in your stomach, such as abdominal pain and indigestion, that might be an important clue. In general, acid reflux is considered more common and more likely than bile reflux. But if medications to treat acid reflux don't relieve your symptoms, let your healthcare provider know. They can test the reflux fluid in your esophagus to detect the presence of bile.