Dear Ted, I've been following your Acid Reflux/Gerd treatment suggestion of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water twice a day for 3 weeks, along with probiotic blend Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum 1 billion CFU per day. My acid reflux was greatly reduced (almost gone completely) but my blood pressure, which has always been good, is now very high 148/97. 3 days ago I started adding 2 tablespoons of Bragg ACV to the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 glass of water twice a day, in hopes of reducing my blood pressure. I also tested my pH and it was alkaline, 7.6 first thing in the morning and 8.0 two hours after eating. My acid reflux is worse since adding the ACV. I have not had a chance to test my blood pressure yet. My question is, am I doing the right things and what do I do for the acid reflux on the 2 days of rest? I'm afraid that 2 days off of the baking soda will be misery.Thank you for any advice you can give me.
Dear Liz: Apparently the body is still quite acid, which is whyadding ACV did not help in that particular instances.Some people usually have sufficient alkalinity tobegin with ACV after two weeks generally speaking, buteveryone's biochemisty is different so in this casethe body is still lacking in a complete alkalineelectrolytic balance or insufficient stores, maybebecause of the diet or that gall bladder was removed.In which case a more suitable formula for me in thatcase would be:
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon ofpotassium citrate (or potassium bicarbonate plus 1/8teaspoon of magnesium citrate in 1/2 glass of water.It also helps to supplement with only 500 mg of sodiumascorbate dissolve in 1/2 glass of water at the veryleast once a day. In some cases the lack of vitamin Ccan bring on high blood pressure and vitamin C helpsincrease nitric oxide production, which by the waylowers the blood pressure.
I don't usually mention this formula often, while itis superior to the home remedy, it IS quite difficultto find, namely the magnesium citrate and potassiumbicarbonate or potassium citrate.
Another one that might be worth the try and might havea less negative reaction also to blood pressure is the1/2 teaspoon of lime plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda,and if possible, 1/8 teaspoon of potassiumbicarbonate.
While alkalinity in general will lower the bloodpressure, potassium in their alkaline form are moreeffective, but should be used judiciously andcarefully, and I always added along with the sodium.The body needs a careful sodium: potassium ratio, andpotassium deficiency don't often occur, but they do insome cases and if the blood pressure are stilldemonstrably higher, the potassium must be added aswell as dietary restriction.
The cause of eating acid forming food, is not going tohelp and controlling diets, and especially sugar,sweets of all kinds, white bread, common table salt,oily and fatty foods they block the brains's signalsto control blood pressure. Switch to the use of seasalt INSTEAD of common table salt. A good sea saltshould have a pH of 7.5 or above.
A more effective remedy to lower blood pressure is forme to try to avoid cheese, french fries, fried foodssnacks, and especially avoid dinner if I can whilesticking only to light salads with tuna. Fish proteinand vegetables are more ideally suited in general.
As a footnote, paper litmus paper to check pH tends to read the body to be more alkaline than it really is.If checked with an electronic pH meter, as often thecase the actually readings is often 0.5 pH lower sothe actual reading may infact be more acid. To besure, I would rather use a cheap electronic pH meters.To make sure the electrolytes are well balance, the pHfor both urine and saliva should both be 7.0 pH to7.6, with a mean of 7.3 should sufficient. However, Iam not a prefectionist, 7.0 pH in general is what Itry to strive for and will usually be happy, providedthat the devices I am measuring is of course anelectronic pH meter with its accuracy to +/- 0.1 pHresolution. A pH paper is often off by +/- 0.5 pH,which is significant enough to get a wrong readings.
It is most important to avoid sugar and oily foodespecially after 3.00 p.m. until you go to bed, sugarand oily fatty foods are the most problematic in high blood pressure. If in all instances there's still aproblem I also drink some green tea, no sugar, nomilk, in the afternoon hours. The green tea reducesblood pressure by helping me reduce or excrete fattycomponents more efficiently.