5 Year Old with Tongue Pain, Possible Gerd
I didn't know how to post a question and hope this is okay. My 5 year-old has suffered from rear, bilateral tongue pain for over a year now. We've seen a handful of specialists who all agree he hurts but they can't say why. Recommendations were to give him Advil as needed. He belches a lot and although I've never smelled that reflux smell on his breath I suspect he has something similar to GERD. My husband has Barrett's Esophagus and my eldest son was diagnosed with GERD in his infancy. Is it possible that my little one feels a "minty" (tingling sensation) in his tongue that soon turns to tear-provoking pain, due to a reflux issue? We are willing to try the ACV, as I know it can't hurt him. What would be recommended for a 48 pound child? How soon could we expect results? Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to us!! Sincerely, M.
A 48 pound child would take about half the dose of the ACV and baking soda as being a safer remedy. The dose is 1 tablespoon ACV and 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/4 glass of water, taken twice a day.
The remedy would be similarly results if the remedy is 4 teaspoon of lime juice plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/4 glass of water for a child whose weight is 1/2 of a small adult dose.
In my experience the most effective alkalizing remedy is the lime (lemon) and bicarbonate remedy. While the acv allows the body to have more energy