Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections - Ted's Q&A

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Scalp Infection Causing Dry Scalp and Hair Loss in One Spot

Posted by T on 09/20/2006

Hi I was reading the different cures you had for scalp infections, basically I belive I just had a case of dry scalp and I lost my hair in one spot, I have braids. I started usding apple cider vinegar every night, then I tried the aloe, lavender and teatree oil, but it burned my scalp. What can I do to restore my scalp and get my hair growing agin, you had such huge success with everyone that wrote to you, hoping you will help me, thanks, also, my hairline has been dormant since I was a child, how can I get my hairlline to grow back? it seems like the applecider vinager and the teatree oil helped a little, your help is greatly appreciated.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear T: It took quite a while to find out why people's hair won't grow and this answer will not cover every possibilities. Lack of hair growth, is due to manganese, zinc, and magnesium deficiency. Hair tends to get quite quickly if the body is low on manganese. Bald people it was found had high copper and low zinc, which is indirectly indicative of low molybdenum as it tends to remove excess copper also. Taking extra vitamin C will aid the body's absorption when you take a manganese supplements. Most hair growth supplements are never complete, but it is important that you take plenty of vitamins that relate to hair growth such as more than usual dose of B5, niacinamide and inositol.

Fungus could be a cause, so ACV, tea tree and lavender should handle that problem.

The last one is hormonal imbalance and excess DHT. Often excess DHT also cause excessive sebum and often can be controlled by zinc. Excess pseudoestrogens and dioxin can be resolved by taking extra fresh cabbage and brocolli or indole-3-carbinol supplements. If you are desperate, then just get a 5% Minoxidil sprays three times a day plus a 20% azelaic acid applied to hair. This should at least get something started. Ted
