Natural Remedies for Scalp Infections - Ted's Q&A

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Itchy Scalp with Large Scales Around Hair Line

Posted by Annie on 04/10/2008

I have read most of your Q&A, however not real clear, let me tell you about me and perhaps you will suggest a few things My scalp is itchy sometimes, but really large scales especially around the hair line, it is really thick or plentiful in the front. I can shampoo my hair and two days later the scales are thick to notice. I would like to heal from the inside out rather than just bandaid the outside. I wash my hair every three days sometimes more often, I am african american Looking forward to your answer.

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Dear Annie: Most of the itching is very much due to a fungus issue. Very often, at least for me, supplements are not available and avoiding certain foods that should be avoided are: acid forming food (read meats, soda, aspartame), fluoridated and chlorinated water, peanuts, cheese, white bread, mushrooms, potatoes, peppermint (found in chewing gum and toothpaste), wheat products and fruits. The grain that is best replaced is instead of white bread, brown rice is substituted instead. Sugar spikes after eating are quite common which after eating itching increases.

To prevent sugar spikes after eating, drinking double the amount of water for example will decrease the sugar spike in half and reduce the itchiness since water will dilute the effect of sugar spikes. A couple of anti fungal supplements I have found are three things, baking soda, borax, and molybdenum. The baking soda is the simplest ways to alkalize the body which is usually 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day.

A borax remedy can be taken once or twice a week at 1/8 teaspoon of borax in a one liter drinking water. The sodium molybdate are generally difficult to find at the dose I prefer, which is generally a low dose of 25 mg. But most commercial molybdenum is often mcg. So whatever is available I might take a couple of times a day.

A more effective alkalizing remedy is 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate (washing soda) is called by scientists as a carbicarb remedy, which reduces CO2 pressure in hard to reach areas such as the scalp. Hence alkalizing is a more thorough with this remedy. Vitamin C sodium ascorbate, 1000 mg and manganese sulfate 25 mg also help reduce the itchiness. However, my experience in reducing most of the itchiness appears to be the borax, baking soda and sodum molybdate (molybdenum). Magnesium gluconate at 500 mg also help in reducing negative effects of excess calcium.
