Is Borax Dangerous?

Posted by B on 05/22/2007

Hi Ted, I read your recommendations regarding lupus with much interest. My cousin recently died of lupus and I have been experiencing many of the lupus systems for quite a few years now. However, I have been diligent in taking my supplements and most of them correspond to your list of recommendations. I think this might have saved my life thus far. However, lately I am constantly sick, with severe allergies, aching all over and now my muscles, especially in my legs, seem affected, also my heart and lungs. I also have sharp, stabbing pains intermittently in my head. The joint pains are almost gone since taking the baking soda and MSM. I would dearly love to kill off the bugs causing this, but I am SO AFRAID to take the borax, and this seems crucial. We were taught that borax is highly poisonous and should never be ingested. I researched the internet extensively, and all I can come up with is POISONOUS. Please advise me and set my mind at rest regarding this, as I would like to add the borax to my regimen, as you stated that this is very important. I know you are very busy, but I'm sure other sufferers might also have this question, so please reply asap. Thanks for your hard work, dedication and the willingness to share with us. May you be richly rewarded. Many thanks, B

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
392 posts

Water is also poisonous if taken in large amounts: one woman drank 5 glass of water in a radio program, if I remember correctly and died a couple of hours later.

And if you read some supplements, of mineral and vitamins lately they use "sodium tetraborate" or another word for it is borax. I was brainwashed just like everyone else, but fortunately I was trained as a biochemist and found that the body needs them in small amount and boron or lack of a better name, borax, is crucial to a lupus recovery.

There is currently no reported deaths from borax use, although there is plenty of deaths from lupus, more than I care to remember, including my own friend who believed in the best of conventional medicine (she was rich and believed money can buy everything). The lupus dissolved her entire reproductive system into a bucket jelly blood when she went to the bathroom, and died shortly afterward.

Whether borax is safe or not appears to be the dosage. Let's see, flouride is at least ten times more toxic than borax, but yet many people use it everyday in toothpaste. How can you explain that? Its toxicity is a bit less toxic than cyanide, and arsenic toxicity is close to flouride. Not only is fluoride NOT an essential mineral, but yet boron or borax IS an essential mineral. Take for instance drinking water in Israel, is several milligrams per liter of water. Most fruits are about 1 mg/liter of borax.

The issue is the toxic dose of Borax is between oral rat LD50 2000 mg - 3000 mg/kg. The salt (sodium chloride) toxicity is 2000 mg - 3000 mg/kg. LD 50 by the way is the amount of dose necessary to get a 50% chance of a rat dying on a per weight basis of the animal.

I am not going to push you to try anything including borax or your decision to do anything. But you must come to realize a point in time where your logic rules, not what is been taught but what you think works for you.

It must be understood that the "system" doesn't like to see you cured, suffering is a lot more profitable to both drug system and "the system" and it only pleases the "system" that population control, which is the primary goal of today's system be enforced, stealthly.

I can never go directly against them, they are just too powerful. And yes, I get hassled, threatened more than I care to remember, but I am doing the best I can to get the information out as gently as I can imagine without ruffling too many feathers. The best I can say "this is this" and "that is that", but if I go any further, I get into trouble too.

All I can say is in my own experience getting alkaline enough and even a small amount of borax has the similar toxicity to salt in terms of LD50 and remains the key to getting lupus recovery. Those who do get cured, don't post them directly they also fear because of so much "publicity against" borax use.

The ONLY published death against borax use is NOT borax. It is boric acid from accidental poisoning as the baby accidentally ate the boric acid. The baby more likely died from acidosis (from the strong acid of boric), rather than the boron, in my humble opinion. Boric acid is in fact much more toxic than borax.

You decide. So far everyone I know is benefiting, but that's just my own experience. I am out on a limb more than I care to remember when I post earthclinic. And believe me, I know a lot more than I care to post because there so much information pollution out there, including wikipedia. The war stories of me is just too overwhelming even to scratch the surface.

If in deep doubt I will always take much less say one tiny grain borax dissollved in a swimming pool of water just to make a fool of myself. Or perhaps, with little more confidence, maybe just one grain in one liter of water, which is a bit less ridiculous, then if need be maybe just 1/10 of whatever I think I used might be someday, safe. It's the same story ten years ago about hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver, during the early heydays of the internet, when remedies were first introduced. The reason why we CAN'T CURE ourself is we are simply too dependent on a system which we believed to be benign, but personally I believed to be malevolent, and once you begin to realize this then you will know that what you have been taught is either all wrong, or our own mind has been divorced from ourself.

It takes only a simple observation and some basic rules of chemistry for me to write up hundreds of remedies in earthclinic and the reason why I can do that, is simply we have been conditioned not to think, but to follow rules. Some people spent their whole lives following rules, and the world they live in looks nice, and it is tempting when you are offered the "blue pill" or the "red pill" as in the movie Matrix. Once again, you have to decide, which do you want, the blue pill or the red pill?


p.s. Try to consider taking chlorella or chlorella/spirulina supplements at least 5 days out of a week. You may have forgotten this one. However the bugs won't die if borax is not used, sorry to say.

Replied by Cindy
Kansas, USA

I believe borax, boron and boric acid are three different substances - boric acid and boron being extracted from borax and far more dangerous.

I suspect that removing elements from their natural compounds make them difficult to assimilate if not entirely unrecognizable by the body. Whether it's basic elements from naturally occurring mineral compounds or specific components from herbs and/or food - it is quite possible that the balance of components of naturally occurring compound matter contain "directions" that instruct the body how to deal with the individual components, i.e. how much to extract, where in the body it is to be deployed, how to dispose of excess etc.

Replied by Mesem
Toulon, France

Powerful stuff Ted. I agree that most minerals/vitamins need to be ingested in natural associated forms but then it is so hard to know what you are taking in. Look at how much food is grown hydroponically. How can these plants be getting the all the catalysts and enzyme inducers that they need when they are taking up a synthetic nutrient mix.

Replied by Mtroscla
Westwego, La

Do I just go to walmart and purchase borax 20 mule laundry detergent and hydrogen peroxide and dialute it the way ted describes to kill all fungus in the body? and how long do I need to take this for thanks this is my first time hearing of this and it is a little scary but I know I am alergic to everything and to my dogs dander as well this ifo will be helpful thanks ted on some insight

Replied by John
Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Ted, I do understand your quandree, take a horse to water..... ? save time, Google. 'the Borax conspiracy' and get cured.

Ted, my hero, I am told that a frozen lemon, Lime, thawed grated and sprinkled on food and or in water is a cure for most including cancer. Please look into this and let us have your considered opinion. Incidently, my wife has a heaped teaspoon full in her bath water every day and has no sign of arthritis or any other bone, joint problems, I take a good pinch in my whiskey and soda, 84 and drinking, Thank you, Ted. John

Replied by Anonymous
Farnborough, UK

Borax is about to become unobtainable here in the UK thanks to the EU. But after scouring the internet for cures as the doctors haven't cured me in 64 years I found some interesting stuff on Borax and have been taking an extremely low dose for two days (1 teaspoon in 1 litre of water, then sip 100 ml of this mixture throughout a day so the 1 litre makes a ten-day supply, to be taken 5 days a week only). I can't believe the results! I feel more energised, my eyesight is somewhat better, I have more energy, I'm getting things done, I'm thinking clearly, it's fantastic! Absolutely no side effects. Have just ordered 5 kilos from my supplier in case he gets stopped.

The site that got me started was:

P.S. even at that extreme dilution it still tastes like sh**, but the taste soon goes.

Replied by Edit

Pedí por Internet un paquete de bórax y lo estoy tomando según fórmula de mantenimiento. Cómo es que dicen que tiene desagradable sabor??!!! El que yo tomo, no sabe a nada. El agua queda completamente cristalina y sí siento mejoría. A qué se debe que uno tenga sabor desagradable y otro no sabe a nada???

I ordered a package of borax online and I am taking it according to the maintenance formula. How come they say it has an unpleasant taste??!!! The one I take doesn't taste like anything. The water is completely crystal clear and I do feel improvement. Why is it that one tastes unpleasant and the other tastes nothing?

Replied by Dev
Middleton, ID

I plan to start on borax as soon as possible. Is it ok to just put a pinch in 4oz of water and drink it quickly or do I have to drink it slowly. Just worried about the taste and thinking it might be easier to down it. I do have high blood pressure so praying it helps with that as well. I didn't see much in regards to high blood pressure listed. Also my husband has alittle toe fungus he's tried everything to get rid of it and nothing has worked.. would Borax work on that as well?