Does Borax Kill Healthy Flora Too?

Posted by Mama2girls (Chicago, IL) on 06/25/2008

Reading up on Ted's posts how borax kills mycobacteria in the body and helps remove floride. Does taking 1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water 5 days a week also kill healthy intestinal flora/bacteria as well? Do we need to be taking probiotics as well? Is it okay for me to take borax if I am breastfeeding a 9 month old? Thanks!

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

In research studies, healthy flora are changed most often due to the pH of the food which generally changes the entire flora of the intestines. An acid forming food will generally change a healthy flora into an unhealthy one. The second major factor is dietary sugar. Too much dietary sugar and fruit juices for example, will increase the anaerobic bacteria and decrease the healthy flora. As to the borax, if the boron levels is low, which in general is less than 1/4 (preferably 1/8) teaspoon or less won't change the body chemistry of pH that much, but interestingly borax prevents unhealthy crosslinking between the proteins and sugar. This means the sugar will not react with protein which causes glycation, but as well, the use of a small amount of borax actually increases healthy flora by reducing mycobacterium and fungal like bacteria from existing in the intestinal tract. Most mycobacterium and mycotoxins come from potatoes, peanuts, and stale white bread (more like moldy bread) but they can also come from moldy house. I have seen a couple of families having to suffer throughout their lives because of their previous exposure to moldy houses and can lead to all kinds of glandular sickness such as hypothyroidism, adrenal weakness, etc. If borax is taken in such a way that is safest, if risk is question then a much lower dose of borax is used such as 1/16 teaspoon of borax in one liter of water. This level won't alter much of the borax level in the blood level that much to effect but will have some chelation properties of fluoride removal, and have a protective properties of mycobacterium from fluorishing in case people feel that borax may be too much for some people. Generally speaking men requires larger dose such as 1/4 teaspoon of borax per one liter of water and a woman's dose is about 1/8 teaspoon of borax to rid of the mycobacterium. But if ridding is not a goal and prevention is required, than a much lower amount may be added such as 1/16 teaspoon is used to remove some excess fluoride and not taken everyday. As to the issue of breastfeeding, most problem appears that most mother's breast feed milk is generally low in vitamin D level and some published research recommends 2000 I.U. of vitamin D is taken either in a form of D2 or D3. Boron generally tries to correct the magnesium to calcium ratios as well as reducing mycobacterium levels in the blood and is a required mineral.

As to the issue of how much boron, the issue is generally debated as to the exact level, but are generally below 10 mg a day, and is generally helpful in calcium metabolism as boron generally helps normalize calcium and magnesium levels and ratios. However, I believe vitamin D in breastfeeding mother makes more sense and vitamin also raises the mothers immunity too, with possible exception that there is a boron deficiency or excessive levels of fluoride in water may effect the brain development of the baby might be justified. Personally I believe vaccination during a couple of days birth may destroy the development in the baby's brain leading to attention deficit disorder, from mercury content and other mycobacterium found in vaccines and I think I'd rather wait until the child reaches 2-3 years before a vaccination, but that's just an opinion.

In summary, a small amount of borax won't effect healthy flora, but instead helps it because of the alkalinity of borax and it's actions in killing off mycobacterium, and possibly certain anaerobes which uses sugar to metabolize into food. Anaerobes are generally an unhealthy flora and borax may block that action. The effects of borax in my experience has been a positive one, but I don't take that much borax either, because my local water isn't fluoridated, but it is chlorinated and I had to use a dechlorinator, using sodium thiosulfate.


Replied by Jeanmcd
Northfield, Minnesota

On de-fluoridization or de-chlorinization - I thought, and perhaps you can confirm, that if I leave a glass of tap water overnight that the chlorine and fluorine gases can disperse, leaving me with a lower dose when I go to drink it the next day. I haven't drank water directly from the tap in years, since I noticed a much higher level of chlorine smell to our water. Can you confirm, as I haven't been able to find information on it? Thank you for your time and expertise.