Chelation Seemed to Make Candida Worse (3)

Posted by Susan R. (CA) on 06/04/2008

I originally was prescribed the DHA & EPA fish oils by a naturopath, to correct a blood condition I had, called "rouleaux" (sticky blood). I had great results -- within 1 month all my blood cells looked like cheerios under the microscope (where they had looked like clumps of caviar before), but the condition seemed to creep back in when I discontinued the EPA, despite replacing the "bad fats" (commercial mayo, etc.) in my diet ... he speculated that I may have inherited a tendency to the condition, and should probably continue a low dose indefinitely.

I've been taking the evening primrose oil for years now, as a preventative for PMS, and really notice a difference (esp. mood swings) when I forget to take it. But I could probably get away with just taking it about 2 weeks per month on, then 2 weeks off. I will try that.

The flax meal is ground fresh in my coffee grinder; I buy the flax seed (organic golden) in bulk, and, according to the supplier, it has a shelf life (in its unground state) of several years without getting rancid). I've been using it for the beneficial oils and also extra fiber, but it sounds like you don't think I should bother with it? I also use it for my daughter, to clear up occasional eczema (I just mix it into her cooked oatmeal).

You also wrote:
"The vitamin C I preferred is an alkaline form of sodium ascorbate only, but it can be reacted with ascorbic acid vitamin C and baking soda to get sodium ascorbate too." I have ascorbic acid vitamin C sitting on my shelf (1,250 mg per 1/4 tsp); are you saying I can just combine this with baking soda to get the desired sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C? What ratios/quantities would I need to use? (and what is the recommended dosage?)

Also, I had occasionally used table salt before, as a source of iodine, but now realize that's not a good idea. Should I take a supplement for this to prevent thyroid problems (liquid sea kelp has been recommended by others), or does the high intake of fish take care of it?

Sorry, it seems like the more answers you give, the more questions I have! LOL But I think this will cover everything for now!

Off to drink my ORMUS!

PS what does "ORMUS" stand for, anyway?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

Fish oil with DHA & EPA is one of the secrets of preventing sticky blood, a relatively common condition in most people in U.S. and when the blood becomes sticky the body's immunity is lowered as oxygen carried by the blood is impaired. On the other hand, alkalization also reduces sticky blood too, but what is so unique about this is it corrects the common health structural problem in western diets that has been off course for the past 30-40 years at least with the introduction of industrialized farming method which causes the rise in omega 6: omega 3 ratios amongst chickens for example, where omega 6: omega 3 ratios should ideally be 1: 1 (or at least 4:1) instead of 1: 20 we see today. The depression, brain fog, and many other problems of immunity is linked to immunity and proper brain function since omega 3 is found mostly in the brain and its neural system. Hence fish oils of DHA & EPA, an omega 3 type 2 is playing far more fundamentals in human health then many people realized. Unfortunately people confuse Omega 3 with other forms such as flaxseed oil but doesn't have DHA & EPA. Primrose oil is important since GLA is also used by the body too, that seemed to be ignored by mainstream medicine, and in woman, it helps them with PMS. The trick about primrose, is the body doesn't seem to require a lot, and can save money on supplements as mentioned. Whichever oils we take, it DOESN'T replace bad fats if I continue to eat bad fats regardless of the good fats being supplements. These bad fats come from vegetable oils which has low boiling temperatures and should not be used in cooking. Health basically went down the hill during the later 1960s with the introduction of vegetable oils too. The superiority of lard oil, coconut oil or even tallow oil comes its ability to withstand high cooking temperature with little oxidation, becoming a "bad fats" or oxidized oil, or rancid oil. It is these rancid oil that accumulates.

It should be noted that you are not the only ones with "mood swings" with lack of fish oils, primrose oil for instance because children are now taking ritalin and prozac as a way to help mood swings, children now become murderers to parents such as Kip Kinkel, and even mass murderers where these psychoactive drugs made it worse and where imbalances in these key omega 3 and GLA in primrose oils are helpful in psychological problems from lack of omega 3 imbalances, where it is found in larger amounts of the brain.

Flaxseed are general ok in supplying ALA, but it is not as critical as fish oil and primrose oil because GLA is generally difficult to find in our foods. Therefore some flaxseed can be taken to help general conditions on the alpha linolenic acid. The major problems about flaxseed oil is the oil that is sold commercially where these go rancid generally quickly. It is therefore wise that a seed form is kept stored before use avoiding the problem of going rancid. So in my opinion what you are doing is generally correct. Still, flaxseed can be taken once a week or something similar to large spacing of dose, with exception to eczema for treatment which is seen as helpful. Fish oil and alkalization also have the same effects and should all be considered. I personally suspect fish oil to work better against eczema but it is the alkalization using sodium carbonates that makes quantum leap on the results.

If I wanted to make sodium ascorbate vitamin C, from ascorbic acid, the ratio of ascorbic acid to baking soda I used is 1: 2 when mixed in water.

The best source of iodine is kelp, and sea salt should be replaced at least by me with a common table salt because they lack the minerals and table salt is a common cause of many health maladies, at the very least, it doesn't have minerals and it has additives of aluminum in nature, such as aluminum silicate, and it's pH is acid 5.0 Fish and fish oils is not substitute for iodine and some kelp is needed, perhaps once a week. If thyroid problem is indicated than more is needed, but spacing of dose is critical. Too close of a spacing, or no spacing when taking kelp can cause acne, because iodine causes displacement of hard fats (sometimes good) from the blood vessels and the thyroid but gets clogs on skin pores. Perhaps taking more granulated lecithin will prevent this problem and I am looking further into this idea. People with thyroid problems sometimes take a large dose of kelp reported large increase in energy levels.

ORMUS are what the ancients Egyptian called the Elixir of Life, but goes by many names such as ORME, monoatomic gold, white gold, m-state, and manna for example. Basically, it is a superconductive material found sea water and in my opinion are reactivated in an alkaline medium near the pH of 10, which they try to get the precipitate during as an elixir of life. The full name is ORME Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs but many hobbyist who make this just called it ORMUS, first discovered by David Hudson in his farm lands after noticing that monoatomic elements exist in nature, and found in sea water. Basically these superconductive material is what is needed for the cellular communications necessary to promote healing and only a small quantity is actually needed. In fact brains of pigs, cows and humans contain a large amount of superconductive elements of iridium, rhodium and other so called superconductive metals. Personally I noticed these to exist in just plain simple sea water and it is best activated by some mixture of sea salt plus additional alkalinity of something as simple as baking soda and sodium carbonate. The reason why I am now trying to push this new alkalizing methods is I found them to work very well after long series of test and trying to understand the complicated recipes of ORMUS and my own attempt into simplifying it. The key to making this is to try to store and make ormus in a plastic container or non-metallic container is most ideal.

The original recipes used for ORMUS are complicated for most people and required the removal of salted water and use the precipitate followed with washing off with distilled water to get it. Because of the complexity and somewhat difficult to handle in the use of lye, the use of pH meter, I have simplified the process into a simple carbicarb mixture with the sea salt to be used as a drinking water instead. My first version, although imperfect has gotten very favorable feedback especially chronic fatigue and general debilitating conditions.

Therefore, ORMUS is a newer form of alkalization where 1/4 of baking soda, sodium carbonate and sea salt is mixed in a liter of drinking water, stored in a plastic or glass container. For use. In case if it is too salty or not tasty this can be further diluted with water and use this to help general healing by promoting cellular communications through super conductive elements found in most sea water. One used a local brand in Europe, I used a local Thai bran in Thailand. So I don't really give much preferences as long as it is real sea salt, having a light gray to gray appearance and moist surface. It is one element for healing that I think needs to be pursued after a long tests and simplication of recipe for general use.

