Question About Ph and Candida

Posted by Nicole (Milwaukee, WI) on 09/29/2008

I am confused about the information related to the p H . How i know Candida grows in acidic not alcaline environment. The information in your site said otherwise. "Those who have a poor pH (potential hydrogen) level or are even mildly acidic can be people who experience (and are more prone to) candida problems. The higher your pH level, the more alkaline your body and being alkaline is something you want to strive for. Because candida yeast thrive and replicate in an acidic environment, getting to a more alkaline state will serve your good health in many ways including the reduction of candida bacteria overgrowthline p H.?"

Can somebody better explain this?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

The issue I encountered is really simple, most fungus simply grows in an acidic environment where much of the problem is eating acid forming foods such as sugar, meats, bread, and sodas. These provide food for the fungus. Most candida proliferate if we eat acid forming food. More alkaline formin foods discourage their growth such as vegetables for example. High mineral waters with large amounts of bicarbonates are alkaline buffers which tend to discourage their growth. There is more than enough literature even in agriculture in the use of alkaline buffers, such as baking soda for example to discourage fungus growth. Most fungus simply don't grow if the alkalinity is higher as one of the basic issues. There may be other theories as to why fungus dies also, indirectly from alkalinity. For example, free ammonium dissociates itself whenever alkalinity is above 7 and the more free ammonium there are the fungus simply dies. In fact I have used on occassion a solution of ammonium chloride mixed with sodium cabonate for example, or baking soda to help with eczema, which for me is a fungus problem. In fact if a skin fungus exist, even a simple solution of ammonium chloride applied would almost instantly relief any itching or skin problems caused by a fungus, ammonium dissociates whenever it is in a water solution thus killing them, but they apparently dissociates more in an alkaline solution. In fact it is this very principle I used to remove molds, fungus, both from the skin, armpits and even to remove them in old beds, carpates, and ceiling to kill these fungus. The fungus problem is much more widespread then it has before because of the widespread dietary of acid forming foods which support such issue. A great remedies of hair loss for example is due to fungus issues and this is why a mild borax, ammonium chloride, dilute sodium carbonate is one of my many arsenals in relieving them. In fact if the esophagus is subjected to long term acidity, candida growth becomes uncontrollable and I have noticed that a common simplest possible remedy is to avoid acid forming food, or the use of alkaline remedies such as baking soda, carbicarb with potassium bicarbonate, for example. However, the issue if resolving candida using alkaline is part of the overall solution. Other anti-fungals mineral supplements which has this specific properties include chromium, selenium, and sometimes iodine (from kelp), may futher help the problems. One simple way of determine whether the body has sufficient alkalinity to discourage candida growth is both the checking of salivary pH and urinary pH, where if the pH is below 7, which is acid or less than neutral, candida isn't easily killed. An salivary pH below 7 is fairly common for a candida growth much of it is based on high dietary sugar of both high fats and high sugar.

