Cure Multiple Ailments - Ted's Q&A

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Multipile Ailments From the Mirena Iud

Posted by Aubrey Nelson (Toluca Lake, CA) on 07/26/2008

I had the Mirena IUD for 3 years and suffered many of the adverse reactions listed in the phsycian's literature for the device (no libido, sinusitis, eczema, migraines, anxiety, weight gain, etc). I had it removed in April of this year to only continue to experience awful post removal effects due to what I believe is an estrogen dominance. I have had severe difficulty breathing in the last month and was recently diagnosed with GERD and Asthma. I have a medicine cabinet that looks like a pharmacy and don't want to take any but I want my life back. What can I do?

Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

What happens when a person on a contraception, hormone replacement or a hormone therapy is the glandular systems completely shuts off hormone whether they be adrenal, ovarie or thyroid.

This happens because the brain signals an excess of any hormone for example and orders a shut down of of that for example, while counterbalancing with another hormone, in excess. So if the hormone therapy has progesterone, the body will produce excess hormone, while shutting off the glandular system responsible for progesterone. This for example can result in estrogen dominance.

The best way in reducing dependence of such outside hormones such as a contraceptive is a rather a slow withdrawal by reducing the dose by 1/2 day to allow the body to resume its normal hormone production. In that event an oral dose is replaced to prevent complete stoppage.

A complete withdrawal can result in a major withdrawal symptoms and the body is either somewhat addicted and at the same time produced over production of estrogen resulting in obesity and weight gain.

The only remedy I have experimented that was successful iwith regarding the withdrawal of estrogen and hormone replacement therapy is the use of kelp (iodine supplements) to offset the lowered metabolism by supporting thyroid production as well as a synergistic supplements to the iodine, which is tyrosine and the newer selenium supplements (synergistic also). The selenium by the way are found in high amounts in thyroidal glands. But in case of deficiency or a withdrawal symptoms tyrosine and selenium is needed more. The selenium that was used was 200 mcg (and sometimes required much more in event there is the presence of depression). The normal dose of tyrosine that is used is between 250-500 mg a day.

A tyrosine is synergistic with the iodine found in kelp. The kelp that was used was usually 250 mg of kelp and if there is lack of energy in many cases more kelp is taken, where dose was increased to 2,500 mg per day.

It should be noted that while this might decrease withdrawal symptom, the taking of kelp supplements may cause cystic acne especially in cases of people with polycystic syndrome and iodine has a flushing and detox effect clearing of the internal organs, especially the glandular system, but that tends to surface on the skin. What does help is that this increases the body's metabolism resulting in decrease weight and lessening of obesity issue. However the positive benefits of obesity is also somewhat helpful with a borax remedy also but this is not required, unless its quite bad around the neck and jaw area. In any even the common borax remedy that I used was about 1/8 teaspoon of borax per one liter of drinking water, that might be taken for 3 or 4 days a week, but only temporary needed to normalize the hormones.

The other supportive supplement is once a week is vitamin B50 (b complex) that is also taken plus the five day a week magnesium gluconate 500 mg. That also helped restore the body to normal.

However, in case there is an issue of increased appetite which resulted in obesity from use of hormone contraceptions in many cases, the use of zinc gluconate 50 mg to zinc gluconate 100 mg were used to suppress appetite.

While I have no way of knowing alkaline pH balance, I would at least try to measure the urinary and salivary pH where the urinary pH I have found to work best between 6.5 to 7.0 and the salivary pH at 7. If the baking soda to control raise urinary pH within normal parameter, and potassium bicarbonate to raise salivary pH to 7- 7.3, usually the body adapts more quicker than if the body were somewhat acidic where the urinary pH is below 6.

One final remedy that I have found frequently useful, perhaps from the trace mineral found or monoatomic elements is the sea salt. A sea salt of 1/4 (plus baking soda 1/4 teaspoon) in one liter of drinking water. In case mixing of other things (such as borax) that can be considered also, but later when everything is in place once a week or two has passed and the body comes to become more normal.

When obesity sets in usually the reversal is a difficult one. However the most effective one that I have seen is to decrease the consumption of animal meats (chicken, pork beef) to equal less than 10% of the food consumption (preferably 5%) and replace this with fish and vegetables. Vegetables should be 80% of the bulk of the food, but initially vegetables should be the major food at 90% preferably and can be reduced on the second week two 80% where fish is the 15% and 5% becomes meat. Even if fish were to be consumed, it's either baked or boiled in soup, avoiding fried foods.

Omega 3 fish oils at 1000 mg a day usually is required at least by me to allow the body to normalize hormones quicker or at least adapt to the changes better since it is always the brain that tells the body what to do, especially in terms of hormone imbalances. Usually two oils that I found helpful is the fish oil omega 3 1000 mg and the evening primrose oil 1000 mg.

While I have seen people with other more serious conditions where ovaries are almost non functional such as polycystic ovarian syndrome for example, taking hormone supplements from contraceptives, they did had a successful withdrawal from the mentioned remedies in which they have used.


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
391 posts

One additional information regarding withdrawal of hormone use of contraceptives that is important is the body is very sensitive to sugar.

This is true whether it is from fruit juices, sugar, sucrose, fructose, or glucose. Therefore all sugar has to be avoided but also certain carbohydrates, especially wheat products, wheat flour, gluten, gliaden (found in wheat). As a result 1000 mcg chromium supplements are required. The common chromium I used are chromium chloride (they take much more than this due to low bioavailability) or chromium polynicotinate. However other forms of chromium is possible that is needed to lower the blood sugar.

If stress is indicated then the body produces more insulin (which leads to obesity), such as excess of hormones can lead to this, therefore in some cases I have found DHEA and alpha lipoic to be extremely helpful. The DHEA can be usually 12 mg needed to reduces the body insulin that causes obesity. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg is a bit harder to use, but it is best taken along with the food since the alpha lipoic acid is hot and may be irritating to the stomach.


Replied by Jennie
Houston, Tx

I am mostly suffering from hair loss, heart palpitations and acne from being on the Mirena. I had it removed almost exactly a month ago but it seems that the hair loss is still pretty severe and I have not yet seen any re-growth. I also have not had a period but the palpitations seem to be gradually subsiding. I take daily supplements including *fish oil, selenium, biotin, calcium, silica, vitamin D and some multi-vitamins. I also exercise regularly and eat healthily. Can you tell me if there is a way to speed up my detox and hair regrowth? Any input you have would be incredibly helpful and much appreciated! Thanks
